I went to the 49er vs Vikings preseason game today with y brother, uncle, and a friend. We were all decked out in our Vikings gear except for the friend who was our token 9ers fan. Tailgating was great, we found a spot a lot of Vikings fans were gating at so we were with good company. During the game some 9ers fans gave us trouble but it was nothing we couldn't handle. On our way back to Sacramento from SF we stop at an In N Out in Vacaville for dinner. We just got our food and start eating when a group decked in 9ers gear walk in and start razzing us. One of them gets in my brothers face and my brother told him to back off. That was when I jumped out of my seat but some other people grabbed the 9ers fan and pulled him back. The 9er fan then got in the food line and kept shout "Vikings suck" etc. etc. Two other guys enter the place, one a Vikings fan the other a 9ers fan. The same guy that got in my brothers face mouthed off to the new Vikings fan and the Vikings fan friend pops the ass hat in the mouth and it turned into a brawl from there. I know people like to talk a lot of crap about Raiders fans but I have been treated much better by them. This was some BS over a stupid team. I mean WTF?! It is not like the team even cares about these guys. ARGH! Jut frustrating trying to have fun and this crap breaks out. I am just glad my brothers kid was not with us.