Could say a lot on the subject. Perhaps later.
For now, my shorter answer is: very few B&Ms leave me feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
-Service often sucks, especially towards the younger demographics.
-Prices can be outrageous (ESPECIALLY in states with high tobacco taxes).
-Selections are frequently limited. The employees often try to push things that make them the most money. I've also been in stores where anybody could buy core Fuente lines, RyJs, etc, but the higher end smokes were hidden and reserved for select customers.
^It can be one, or any combination of the above.
Additionally, I have met VERY few tobacconists who are, you know, actually tobacconists. Most shop employees I encounter are just dudes doing it for the paycheck. They know very little, and are of no use to people except for new smokers.
To counter the "Walmart mentality", B&Ms run off the "Starbucks/Nike mentality." They're not selling you products, they're selling you an experience. I don't have a problem with either, but if you're going to take issue with the Walmart method... you should be taking issue with the Starbucks method too.