Such a statement, or perhaps inference, clearly shows a hidden agenda. Either that or it is the writing of someone that is clearly lacking two things, an education and any experience in business.
No person is going to actively market products to a group that they can not sell to, be it due to the cost being outside their price range, unable to satisfy the demand, or as it he case here simply illegal. It is a waste of time, money and the risk of breaking the law in a state that actively conducts checks with undercover personal and potentially losing your license to sell the very product that is your livelihood is simply stupid. Factor in a man that has been in the business for nearly thirty years and it borders on lunacy.
Those that have replied in a negative way are equally wrong. The phrase, Marketing to children, comes from where? What is marketing? Are there signs directed to children? Has this business ever been convicted of selling to minors? Where is the evidence that this business does, in fact, not only market but sell to minors? You see an advertisement and read a post and take that as your facts? Shame on you people, for you are part of the problem and not even close to the solution.
As a 42 year old male I find it whimsical that I can walk into a Cigar Shop and see a throw back to my younger years. I look at that product and I laugh inside and think, I might buy some of those as a gage gift for some of my friends. My son is 11 years old and doesnt know that product exists, and do you know why? Because they are NOT marketed to toward him in any way. He doesnt hear it on the radio, see it on TV, it isnt in any magazines I allow him to read, there are no flyers coming to the house in his name. The only way he knows it exists is because of ME.
You people saw a product and made a huge assumption, and you are wrong. I would like anyone that disagrees with me to show me any piece of marketing directed to a minor, one. A flyer not directed to a minor is not such evidence, for it would have been given to an adult, who in turn used poor judgment and passed it along, and such things are not the fault of the business, anymore then it is the fault of a Brewery when an adult purchases the beer for an underage minor.
This is CLEARLY a whimsical marketing idea, and a good one at that, directed toward adults to make them think back to when they where younger. You people are putting the cart before the horse. You see a product marketed to children, that of candy, and telecast that onto the product in question, that of a cigar. Show some thought, think before you react and post things that if you actually thought about it for more then a second wouldnt receive a knee-jerk reaction due to lack of logic and thought. Dont be sheeps, think for yourself and actually obtain some facts. If you post on this board I assume you enjoy smoking cigars, and by posting things and agreeing to them blindly does not help the pastime we enjoy, it only shows we dont know what we are talking about and incorrectly make assumptions about our fellow cigar lovers. This post sounds like a bunch of 5th graders arguing about world politics.