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Why would a retailer do this?

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BoM 10/12, 9/13, & 8/14
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Jan 8, 2012
Northeast Tennessee
I am pretty sure this is the same retailer that made a replica of DPG Firecrackers and tried to pass it off as the same thing. The packaging was almost identical, and the advertisement even referred to the DPG version, even though the product they were selling was a replica. Also, 2 Guys signed on to be the retailer for custom order cigars for another online community (reddit r/cigars). 2 guys absolutely ruined their reputation by not delivering the product on time, ignoring inquiries, spinning multiple excuses and revised delivery dates, and overall failing on customer service. I will never buy a single cigar from this site again.
Dpg made the firecracker exclusively for then for two years. They were legit.
DPG made it for them one or two years. The past year they released it again, not by DPG, just a house blend, but marketed as if it were the DPG blend.
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Feb 14, 2013
Columbia, MD
Ok so no one else noticed that Rich signed up today and his one and only post is in this thread?

Yes, I thought someone else caught before me and referred him to the intro thread. I added that to my response to Rich.
Yeah I did but I edited it out, I was on my phone and wasn't 100% sure. I like how we were called cowards and he comes on here and won't answer for anything he said. Haha


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
So...... I just listened to the podcast. I have to say that David has a point. Him and his co-host did make some remarks that were shitty but I am pretty sure it was out of hurt feelings.

I think some of his points are valid and I am no way agreeing with some of the remarks he made that were derogatory towards the group but if you worked on something that long he probably took it to heart and was very upset.

I want to be the first person to apologize because my remarks were out of place as well. All is fair in love and war and we are all brothers in the end. So to David, I want to apologize for judging so quickly. I can understand both points of view and maybe from here on out we can all learn from these things.

Rex Mercer


The Bully
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Sep 15, 2010
Long Island, NY
I want to start off by apologizing as I did not see all the controversy coming. I didn't know about the candy bar and tootsie roll packaging until I saw this thread. I sent David a PM on facebook and here's exactly what is said:

"You might want to check some of the cigar boards. You're candy bar approach to packaging some cigars is not a big hit with the online cigar community. Might want to address it."

I don't know if this is an issue on any other boards as I don't have time to be on multiple boards and choose to spend what time I do have (when I'm not trying to find work and build my photography portfolio), on here. I did want to give him a chance to explain his side of the story and to address the concerns ON HERE. I listened to the podcast and read his response and, while he did the podcast first, then had a chance to recant some of the things he said on here, I'm sorry to my fellow BOTLs who got caught up in the name-calling and take full responsibility for what happened.

As far as Rich goes, you sir, need to remove your head from your ass as you've done nothing but stoke the fire and stir what was calming down. You have no history here and don't know anyone here. For you comment on their intelligence and business sense shows how mis-informed and judgmental you are. At least David admitted he was wrong in reacting as strongly as he did toward some of the comments and people here. I have been a member on here for the last 4 years and have interacted with many of the people here. These are some of the finest BOTL's I've encountered on any of the forums I've been a member of. These people have pulled together when another BOTL have gone through financial problems, family problems, natural disasters, cigar packages to the troops, etc and helped that person out. Hell, I've been on the receiving end on some of support and can tell you that the people on here that you call cowards, 5th graders, lacking education, etc are the salt of the earth. I would GLADLY associate myself with this "bunch of 5th graders" than I would with judgmental assholes who have no idea who are what they are talking about....in other words, folks like yourself.

To my fellow BOTLs on here, please accept my apologies for what happened. It was never my intent to hurt anyone on here. I wanted a B&M owner to have the chance to address the concerns that were voiced and explain his side of things. I never intended for anyone on here to get insulted and attacked personally and had no idea that his reaction would be as strong as it was. I take full responsibility for that and I sincerely apologize to anyone who was attacked and to Eric for bringing this to the board. I'm sorry.
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I sell cigars
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Sep 19, 2010
Manchester, NH
This whole thing I feel has been blown way out of proportion by both parties, hopefully it blows over and everyone can just agree to disagree.
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