If you are talking about the money "into" the account, I know a guy (hehe) that still gets a check cut from work instead of direct deposit. This guy (I will mention no names) has to take that check to the bank where he deposits a few bucks from each check into a separate "cigar" account. This persons significant other, bless her heart, never sees those few bucks.Explain to me how the "in" part works. I get the out part......but in? I have a separate account for my outs.Good plan. I'll probably get one going. I don't really think she would question all my purchases anyways but I'm sure it will run a lot smoother without her seeing all the money that goes in and out.Gotta get yourself a little cigar account Eddie. Ya know a place where money from sales and particularly for buys goes. It gets to crazy with the wife questioning every dime that comes in and out. We pay all bills together, put money for retirement away together and everything else., but my mad money is separate. Saves lots of headaches.The wife is getting her name changed soon and the bank accounts will be joinedDamn Shadow, do you place an order every day so that you are receiving something almost every day?I'll be damned if I don't go on a binge before my cash flow gets cut.
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