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Raising age to buy tobacco

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Aug 21, 2013
Tempe, AZ
I know NYC isnt the first to do it, but i think they may be the largest city to do it so far.
I thought this was interesting
"the Council also approved various other antismoking measures, such as increased penalties for retailers who evade tobacco taxes, a prohibition on discounts for tobacco products"
So no more event discounts? and NSA like tracking on Online orders shipping to NYC?
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Jul 22, 2013
In a grass shack, Kaneohe, HI
Out here in Hawaii, mainly the island of Hawaii (the Big Island), Hawaii county is trying the same thing. I am in the process of sending testimony against this. Bad for business and sets a precedence. If Hawaii county can do this then Honolulu county is next. Sorry to hear Nanny Bloomberg is running rampant in NY. Everyone under 21 and all cigar smokers that are registered to vote in NY should vote the guy out.
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Feb 1, 2013
Eagle Mountain, Utah
Sorry if this has already been posted.


New York City passed a bill to raise the legal age to buy tobacco to 21. Thoughts? Will this become a trend? Seems to me it would be to easy to skirt this law. Just leave the city to buy.
yeah but then they get you for consumption by a minor, its 19 years old here and I dont think it helps against underage use.
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Oct 5, 2010
Warren, MI
Wow this is ridiculous. The worst part of this is the ridiculous double standard. Politicians in NY would never dare try telling people how to live their lives if it was abortion of gay marriage but since it's smoking then I guess they know best. Liberal horseshit if you ask me, don't forget to purchase health insurance.
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Apr 10, 2012
I saw this earlier, NYC is the third I believe with ages ranging from 19-21

Im not sure what this is going to accomplish (if anything) other than fulfilling some "feel good" quotient.

Im a firm believer that the whole "tell someone that they cant do something just makes them want it more" is a human emotion thing, cant avoid it.

Boy 1:"Wanna huff rubber cement?"

Boy 2:"Nah, im good it sounds kinda lame and seems like it would kill a lot of brain cells"

Cashier:"Oh, you wanna buy rubber cement?, can I see some I.D.?"

Boy 2: "..... ok, now I kinda want to try it, its obviously bad for you"
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May 29, 2008
Yea I heard about this. Yada yada tobacco is a drug. Tobacco is evil. Then the same assholes turn around and legalize marijuana. U can roll a big fatty but light a cigar and ur a criminal. Pisses me off. Guess its why my big dumb ass enjoys walking the streets of Manhattan with a big ol stogie and laugh at the little whiners making faces at me.

Sent from my SPH-D710BST using Tapatalk

D Quintero

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Nov 9, 2009
Makes sense to me. Cigarettes are 1000's more times deadly from the amount and frequency smoked . It's also been proven that if you don't smoke (inhale) in early adulthood, you're a whole lot less likely to get hooked. The general opposite is true with fine cigars . In the end , to a degree ,US cig deaths will essentially plummet and cigars will be smoked exclusively - relatively speaking of course .


BoM May '11
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Feb 24, 2010
Dutton, Ontario, Canada
it's all such a sham anyway. Legal age to buy smokes here is 18 i think, maybe 19 dunno. go by ANY highschool over the lunch hour and count the number of kids huddled in a corner smoking. stores still sell to them, or they find a way to get their hands on them anyway.


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
so.... let me get this straight...

at 18.. youre old enough to vote.. and considered responsible enough to help a country determine who the leader of the most powerful nation on earth will be...

youre old enough for the country to REQUIRE you to register for the draft.. and be potentially forced to risk your life to defend your country...

youre old enough to volunteer for military service.. and considered responsible enough to carry a weapon, travel to foreign lands, and engage in combat....

but you are not old enough or responsible enough to go into a bar and order a beer... or to smoke a cigarette....

makes perfect sense to me....

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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
so.... let me get this straight...

at 18.. youre old enough to vote.. and considered responsible enough to help a country determine who the leader of the most powerful nation on earth will be...

youre old enough for the country to REQUIRE you to register for the draft.. and be potentially forced to risk your life to defend your country...

youre old enough to volunteer for military service.. and considered responsible enough to carry a weapon, travel to foreign lands, and engage in combat....

but you are not old enough or responsible enough to go into a bar and order a beer... or to smoke a cigarette....

makes perfect sense to me....

You hit that nail right on the head IMHO...take a look at it from where I see it.

I am Portuguese I have gone to Portugal several times...legal drinking age there is 16 years old and to get your licenses is 18.

You see so many less deaths due to drinking and driving and less charges as a whole because these kids have been drinking before they got their license.

Now flip over to North America...Drinking ages are 19 and 21...but to get your license it is 16(in most areas)...Can anyone point out how many deaths here in cars are caused by drinking and driving and the crazy number of charges.

I think the government has things completely ass backwards in so many regards.

Like Dave said we can go to the Military and Vote before we can drink and smoke...shit I am 26 so I haven't been out of Highschool for very long 8 years to be exact and I can't count on one hand the number of friends of mine that smoke that weren't 19.

Another thing that is slightly off for me and I am speaking solely of Ontario the legal age to buy tobacco is 19 but you can smoke at the age of 16 legally? How does this work the sign in the store says you cannot buy tobacco for people under the age of 19...so WTF???

Sorry if that was off topic.

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Jul 22, 2013
In a grass shack, Kaneohe, HI
so.... let me get this straight...

at 18.. youre old enough to vote.. and considered responsible enough to help a country determine who the leader of the most powerful nation on earth will be...

youre old enough for the country to REQUIRE you to register for the draft.. and be potentially forced to risk your life to defend your country...

youre old enough to volunteer for military service.. and considered responsible enough to carry a weapon, travel to foreign lands, and engage in combat....

but you are not old enough or responsible enough to go into a bar and order a beer... or to smoke a cigarette....

makes perfect sense to me....

So all the 18-21 yr olds should exercise their vote. Let it be known that they are old enough to make their own decisions. Get the nanny out. Next thing you know he will ban bacon....


BoM Nov '10
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Dec 30, 2009
Joplin, MO
Maybe I missed something though I thought the age to buy tobacco was 18 or did they raise it to 19 in New York at some point? At any rate I agree it's crap and while it doesn't effect me I'd vote those clowns out of office.

Next thing you know he will ban bacon....
Over my dead body! :grin:

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Apr 29, 2012
Phoenix AZ
so.... let me get this straight...

at 18.. youre old enough to vote.. and considered responsible enough to help a country determine who the leader of the most powerful nation on earth will be...

youre old enough for the country to REQUIRE you to register for the draft.. and be potentially forced to risk your life to defend your country...

youre old enough to volunteer for military service.. and considered responsible enough to carry a weapon, travel to foreign lands, and engage in combat....

but you are not old enough or responsible enough to go into a bar and order a beer... or to smoke a cigarette....

makes perfect sense to me....


I concur.
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Aug 28, 2013
Atlanta, GA
so.... let me get this straight...

at 18.. youre old enough to vote.. and considered responsible enough to help a country determine who the leader of the most powerful nation on earth will be...

youre old enough for the country to REQUIRE you to register for the draft.. and be potentially forced to risk your life to defend your country...

youre old enough to volunteer for military service.. and considered responsible enough to carry a weapon, travel to foreign lands, and engage in combat....

but you are not old enough or responsible enough to go into a bar and order a beer... or to smoke a cigarette....

makes perfect sense to me....

So all the 18-21 yr olds should exercise their vote. Let it be known that they are old enough to make their own decisions. Get the nanny out. Next thing you know he will ban bacon....

I agree with both statements. To Drunkpile's point, there are a buttload of 18-20 year olds that don't vote and if they took the time to exercise their rights they might be able to affect a "real" positive change.


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Actually, one of the main reasons President Obama was able to win both elections, but ESPECIALLY the first one, was because he was able to mobilize the youth vote. The 18-early 20s vote was crucial to his win.

So, they are voting. Just not in ways one (around here) would expect.
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Nov 1, 2013
You know when you think about it, it is kinda a tainted view this forum has on such things. For the most part they side with what doesn't trudge on their interests or enjoyment or "rights", but without the counter points which likely do exist and to an intelligent degree for that matter.. Well you are only getting one side and so it is akin to talking to yourself about how upset you are, and then agreeing with said self.

If we were to take a devil's advocate sort of view, what do you think the positives of such a notion might be? Because it would be a poor decision to dismiss it just because you don't like it.

... As for the topic of voting, the youth wanted Obama and they certainly got him. Has Obama done anything good? It would likely require hard research and data mining to determine that factually, but no president has simply sat there ruining everything so the answer is yes. The question becomes then, has he done what his target audience desires?


BoM March '14
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Aug 14, 2013
Spring strong sweet tall green grass grow...
Actually, one of the main reasons President Obama was able to win both elections, but ESPECIALLY the first one, was because he was able to mobilize the youth vote. The 18-early 20s vote was crucial to his win.

So, they are voting. Just not in ways one (around here) would expect.
I still blame MTV for most of that.
Absolutely ridiculous.


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Actually, one of the main reasons President Obama was able to win both elections, but ESPECIALLY the first one, was because he was able to mobilize the youth vote. The 18-early 20s vote was crucial to his win.

So, they are voting. Just not in ways one (around here) would expect.
I still blame MTV for most of that.
Absolutely ridiculous.
Media actually didn't have a lot to do with it. Campaign leaders had the brilliant idea of turning Obama into a brand, instead of just a politician. For quite a while, it was THE most successful brand IN THE WORLD.

I'm not pleased about it. But, it was incredibly smart. It made him a cool, hip commodity rather than a rich, old guy whom they couldn't relate to in any way.