so.... let me get this straight...
at 18.. youre old enough to vote.. and considered responsible enough to help a country determine who the leader of the most powerful nation on earth will be...
youre old enough for the country to REQUIRE you to register for the draft.. and be potentially forced to risk your life to defend your country...
youre old enough to volunteer for military service.. and considered responsible enough to carry a weapon, travel to foreign lands, and engage in combat....
but you are not old enough or responsible enough to go into a bar and order a beer... or to smoke a cigarette....
makes perfect sense to me....
You hit that nail right on the head IMHO...take a look at it from where I see it.
I am Portuguese I have gone to Portugal several drinking age there is 16 years old and to get your licenses is 18.
You see so many less deaths due to drinking and driving and less charges as a whole because these kids have been drinking before they got their license.
Now flip over to North America...Drinking ages are 19 and 21...but to get your license it is 16(in most areas)...Can anyone point out how many deaths here in cars are caused by drinking and driving and the crazy number of charges.
I think the government has things completely ass backwards in so many regards.
Like Dave said we can go to the Military and Vote before we can drink and smoke...shit I am 26 so I haven't been out of Highschool for very long 8 years to be exact and I can't count on one hand the number of friends of mine that smoke that weren't 19.
Another thing that is slightly off for me and I am speaking solely of Ontario the legal age to buy tobacco is 19 but you can smoke at the age of 16 legally? How does this work the sign in the store says you cannot buy tobacco for people under the age of WTF???
Sorry if that was off topic.