The reason for my long winded rant above is sitting right at my feet at this very moment.
My friends computer, which is used at work doing a fairly important job might I add, was completely hosed. It had popups, ad ware and 64 viruses. It is used to record phone calls dealing with the dispensing of materials to various jobsites. Whenever he isn't in the office, some of the other dispatchers use it to check e-mail, listen to music, and look at questionable material on the internet.
I know this because I found tons of porn in the temporary internet files, hidden away where no one thought to look. That kind of stuff found on a company machine could cause all kindsa problems with your career.
There was a program that opened when the computer booted and would run a viruse scan on your machine. It warned you that the reason your machine was running so slowly was becaues of a virus or three, and malware, it then opened a web browser and sent you to the page where you could order your new Anti-Virus software for only $45 bucks. The computer was useless for anything else. It wouldn't close even if you used the task manager.
I spent four hours fixing this fucking computer, and setting it up so that I am the administrator, and it is password protected. I will give this password to my friend.
I set him up a user account which has no admin rights, and I set up a visitor account which has absolutely NO RIGHTS. All the morons can do is look at websites, and listen to streaming music. They have no chance of hurting this machine again.......