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Sad day in my world

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Aug 20, 2013
Long Island, New York
Jonathan, I just read through the thread and I truly am sorry for the darkness you had to endure through this rough year. Just want you to know that through the darkness and pain comes a refinement that brings you closer to God. I will start and continue to pray for your families continued recovery and your strength through this journey. Sometimes we have to go through trials like this to learn how to lean on something other than our own strength. Whether it's the brotherhood and God or just God know that you are stronger now than when you began this journey.
Peace and Health to you and your family and continued prayers.


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
Wonderful news J! I am very happy for you and your family. Hope you guys have an extremely merry Christmas..


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
What a great way to wake up this AM. I'm really stoked to hear that all of this is looking up for all of you in the family.

Happy holidays to you and the rest of your family!
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Thanks guys. This is definitely the absolute best Christmas gift I could of gotten. Everyone on the road to recovery but looking positive it is an absolutely amazing feeling.

I wish you all the merriest Christmas and know from the bottom of my heart I hold each and everyone of you and your families in my heart with best wishes and prayers. Much love everyone.



BoM Feb 14
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Feb 11, 2013
Olmsted Township, OH
JM, I don't know how i managed to miss this update. Been busy with family stuff and someone(me) forgot to pay my cell bill. So i been out of the loop for a few days.

This is great news man. There was a little while there after your mom's first surgery and your cousin's initial treatments that things didn't seem to be going their way. What an awesome turn around! Cancer free! I am also really glad to hear your cousin seems to be doing well with her treatments. She starting to get out more? I know she was shutting people out there for a while. Hope her mood is improving.

Now Rob this is a brother I gladly got to join in beating him a little too but he is still a brother of brothers. I am truly happy to call him my friend and brother. Thank you for being the guardian angel I needed at my lowest.
I am very sad to hear you took part in my beating. I know you put your little bit of cash that you weren't using to save for your wedding into the SS. You honestly owe me nothing man. If i had it to do over a 100x I still would do it the same way. For not just you, but anyone.

I also think you give me entirely too much credit man. I am no angle, but I am your friend and brother. I will be here if you ever need anyone to talk to again.

Here is too the good times. May they outshine the bad ones.

April showers may bring more than May flowers.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
JM, I don't know how i managed to miss this update. Been busy with family stuff and someone(me) forgot to pay my cell bill. So i been out of the loop for a few days.

This is great news man. There was a little while there after your mom's first surgery and your cousin's initial treatments that things didn't seem to be going their way. What an awesome turn around! Cancer free! I am also really glad to hear your cousin seems to be doing well with her treatments. She starting to get out more? I know she was shutting people out there for a while. Hope her mood is improving.

Now Rob this is a brother I gladly got to join in beating him a little too but he is still a brother of brothers. I am truly happy to call him my friend and brother. Thank you for being the guardian angel I needed at my lowest.
I am very sad to hear you took part in my beating. I know you put your little bit of cash that you weren't using to save for your wedding into the SS. You honestly owe me nothing man. If i had it to do over a 100x I still would do it the same way. For not just you, but anyone.

I also think you give me entirely too much credit man. I am no angle, but I am your friend and brother. I will be here if you ever need anyone to talk to again.

Here is too the good times. May they outshine the bad ones.

April showers may bring more than May flowers.
Brother I knew you were bound to read the thread again. Things are good everything is starting to look positive again. If you had asked me if I believed it 3 months ago I would of said no not a chance. But here I stand relieved that it did.

Yes I did put my 2 pennies into SS but I when I saw you up for a beating how could I not join in on that. I don't give you to much credit I give the respect you deserve brother. You are most definitely a friend and brother that's for sure.

My cousin has started to come out and be with us. It was the physical beating she was taking. The treatment is hard physically, she told me an I quote we are to tough mentally to get down just sometimes it feels like the body fails us. Since that though she has been out got to enjoy family time we got a little excessively sauced my shaved head ended up with her wig on it. I was beautiful just so you all know. We are finally pulling back together and becoming a single unit again.

Also I passed one of my hardest courses through all this and they all gave me huge credit as I spread myself out to everyone and still killed the course. It is a thing of beauty I can tell you that much.

As for April showers I welcome them cause the May flower I've been unable to forget is that I'm going to get to marry my best friend. (Don't tell her this but I count the days. It's all I want and as crazy as it sounds I feel truly complete when I'm with her). You rob are definitely a true friend that is for sure and all of you, you are all the family that kept me a float.

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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Good day all,

It has just about been a year since there was a post here. I lay here looking at my beautiful sleeping wife so I thought I should share what life has brought. A few updates are in order as you guys have shown me more love then I could ever ask for.
My cousin finished her treatments and is on a very positive road to recovery her hair has grown back and she is back to being snappy, happy and healthy. She is holding christmas at her house this year we are back and a strong United family.
My mom is all better she had another surgery a few months back to ensure all the cancerous tissue and tumour were gone. A year ago I feared I may not have been able to dance with my mom at my wedding but I certainly got too and I cannot put into words how happy that made me.
My mom feared she wouldn't get to see any grand babies but I granted that too.

Ashley and I are expecting our first in June. I wanted to share the happy times I have gotten to have this year as you all stood behind me when I went through the hard and sad times.

I will say this I love you all for all you did for you me. It will never ever be forgotten.
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Dec 30, 2013
Atlanta, GA
CONGRATULATIONS MAN!!! First and foremost. Life is hard man, but the rewards are very real, and very sweet. Glad to know that everything is okay, everyone is happy, and that you're going to be a dad!


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
So very happy for you brother... Those are some huge milestones and memories that you were able to capture in your life. I'm glad your mother and Cuz are doing well and congrats on the little guy/gal!


SGT Hulka
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Aug 4, 2014
Ft Hood, TX
That is very good news. May this Holiday season and New Year continue to bring you and your family untold amounts of joy and happiness!
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Brothers thank you so much for the good wishes and congratulations. I honestly think I would have been in a much worse state had it not been for all of you. Thank you all so much.