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Gizmodo "11 Insaenly Specific Blog Reviews" - YEP, I made the list!!!

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Oct 3, 2013
Normally would not post something like this, but who the heck else can I tell that would give a care?! LOL
My website Cigar Lighter Reviews made Gizmodo's "11 Insanely Specific Blog Reviews" list, with a nice little write up as well :ccool: Though, it is actually 70+ vs. 40+ reviews as stated in write up I am still stoked. For a guy that started this website not too long ago this is pretty damn cool. Noticed my stats went through the roof yesterday and found they had linked to my site. Gizmodo is ranked #503 most visited website in the world out of roughly 700 million! The list is pretty interesting actually, here is the link if interested in a quick read:


Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to ALL!!!


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I remember when you joined the forum and I just checked the blog for the hell of it. I have to say I really like your reviews and it's nice to see input on lighters. Well deserved and congrats.

Nacho Daddy

Irrepressibly Irreverent Inveterate Ignominy
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Jul 17, 2009
I like the site found there"KnobFeel".........all about how knobs on items, like stereo's, feel..........Oh God,can we last much longer as a civilization?????????
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Oct 16, 2010
Lock Haven, PA
That's excellent! Did you notice mention #10 was a candle reviewer, and one of the illustrations is a candle scented "Humidor."
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Oct 3, 2013
That's excellent! Did you notice mention #10 was a candle reviewer, and one of the illustrations is a candle scented "Humidor."
I just read it, to bad the reviewer does not think it smells like tobacco & cedar....that would be epic!
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Oct 3, 2013
Thanks for the kind words! I probably work on my site more than I should. I find it rewarding for various reasons, one being a big escape from my work day to day constant stress.

Wish I could edit the title if this thread. Christmas "beverages" had me spell "insanely" incorrectly. LOL.
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Oct 3, 2013
I like the site found there"KnobFeel".........all about how knobs on items, like stereo's, feel..........Oh God,can we last much longer as a civilization?????????
Between KnobFeel & Japanese Condoms it's a toss up. Actually, way to many jokes can be inferred on KnobFeel, endless. LOL
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Oct 19, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
If you don't mind me asking....do receive any income from your blog?

I am not up to speed on how these work as far as advertisers; how much traffic constitutes a company reaching out; do companies reach out to bloggers and have an eye on blog traffic or does the blogger have to sort of sell his own site by showing stats/analytic's and hoping someone bites?

Nice blog by the way, I'm checking it out right now.
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Oct 3, 2013
If you don't mind me asking....do receive any income from your blog?

I am not up to speed on how these work as far as advertisers; how much traffic constitutes a company reaching out; do companies reach out to bloggers and have an eye on blog traffic or does the blogger have to sort of sell his own site by showing stats/analytic's and hoping someone bites?

Nice blog by the way, I'm checking it out right now.
Thanks for the kind words. I created the website because I have some weird obsession with cigar accessories. From there it has grown naturally. When people visit my site and find it beneficial that is what makes it rewarding. That is the real pay so to speak. Gizmodo mentioning the site was/is very cool to me. It is a nice mental escape from other day to day stresses for me. It is a lot of work of work. Monetarily, it would not be a good a investment, not at all. The good thing for me is I did not create the site with making money in mind.