the n00b sampler trade, as stated, is the easiest way to get your first TR, always sponsored by a seasoned dude. after that, the NC pay it forward, non-n00b blind trade, Make a Wish pass II (if you can fill one), or one of the frequent box passes, are all great ways to get a few TR points, meet a few dudes, and get started. hell, we even have a n00bie pipe sampler trade going, if you had a curiosity toward piping.
once your 30 days and 30 posts are up, the marketplace gets opened, and you should have access to most of those that you cannot find already. also the ability to post for sales, ISOs, and trades directly. but some of the structured events we have going so far cna help you network a lot easier. all have pretty clear guidelines or requirements in the first post, or PM someone active in that thread if you would appreciate a more personal explaination.