40 bucksDamn Tom, how cheap are you? :rofl: How ya saved a lot!
It was just a jibe. But operating a headset is no less dangerous than talking on a handset while driving. The distraction is not the phone itself, rather the lack of awareness of surroundings from the caller on the other end. Studies have also shown that they are gay.A headset is gay? I can't seem to make the correlation.....
Unfortunately, here in NJ you have to use a headset while operating a moving vehicle.
That is what I am referring to. And when they come into the pharmacy talking on one, I won't do business with them until they've finished their conversation. People who don't abide by cell phone etiquette should be caned (just a slight exaggeration, please don't take me too seriously).I think the gay part comes in when you have people who walk around with them on 24/7. That just annoys me for some reason....you're not on the phone! Take it off your damn ear!
Oh fuck that. You come into a store, don't be little the person by talking on the phone. Get off the phone, take care of business and call them back. Man does that piss me off! :fencing::cursing::cursing:That is what I am referring to. And when they come into the pharmacy talking on one, I won't do business with them until they've finished their conversation. People who don't abide by cell phone etiquette should be caned (just a slight exaggeration, please don't take me too seriously).