I'm not pissed at the mail delivery guys, I'm just befuddled at the whole thing. No accountability from any one. I'd care about it being w-2 season, if my junk mail makes it to me just fine so should a very important check. But no the junk mail makes it and the check gets lost, go figure.I understand the frustration, and I'd be pissed as well.Talk about a USPS f*ck up!
My wife's financial aid check is over a week late. It was mailed last Friday and hasn't showed up as of today. Just to make things a bit more clear, her school is around 30 miles away from our house. Yesterday I called the post office and asked for the head monkey on duty I asked him if a check was send from Fairfield, CT. to our house in Seymour, CT how many stops does this said letter make. he said 3-4 stops. This letter goes all the way to New Jersey then goes all the way to Hartford, CT before making a third stop then finally showing up here. This letter does over a 200 mile trip before it reaches me.
So I said basically its faster to walk a letter from her school to our house and then to the bank right? So thus far our check is still lost in the mail. We have no money for anything until it shows up or I get paid on Friday. It a shitty thing and Neither the school nor the post office give two shits about the problem. Thank you USPS! All the crap mail in the world makes it to my door, but a really important check is the one thing that these monkey f*cks have to loose.
Just wanted to point out the we have a few USPS Mail Carriers on the board, tho....