So as i left work a little later than normal on Thursday night I work 2 jobs so I only have about an hour and a half time span between the 2. So as im driving down the highway and ill admit i was going a little over the limit to try to make up some time then all of a sudden i see a flash of brown and hear this giant BANG! my car turns sideways i fight to correct it and succeed. First thing going through my mind is i blew a tire but then i start to think back of the brown flash. low and behold i creamed a deer and not a small deer either this thing seriously took me out. Luckily i was not hurt however i cant say the same for the car its pretty banged up! In the end the deer is nowhere to be found I just end up with some leftover meat in the grille and blood stains / trail into the woods. Kinda bummed i wasnt able to find him and keep the trophy that ruined my night. i also never made to work that night either, but I guess in the end all that matters is im ok and the car will be fixed! Got the estimate yesterday afternoon $5000 damage that sucker did but it should be fixed in a week or so. Pics are below