Just a random side story, I first tried my KL with very little info on it.
I grabbed a media bag from PetSmart in addition to the KL, but I didn't realize you were supposed to lightly spritz the media bag after it was filled.
I thought I was supposed to dunk the full media bag into DW to fully soak the KL.
Not being a chemist, but knowing that people use fertilizer to make bombs, and not knowing a lot about sand and silica and all of that...
I dunked the media bag in the DW, and when I pulled the bag out of the water, literally the entire thing started smoking, I thought I had ignited a bomb.
It's really weird, if you're bored, take some of your dry, extra KL laying around and dunk a media bag full into water, it's pretty sketchy if you aren't expecting what it does.