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Please report foul or negative posts.


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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
I honestly can't take it anymore. The place I've come to love and the people I've met (over a 100) here are slowly slipping away. Due to one thing. People coming here and acting like plain assholes towards each other. ESPECIALLY VERY NEW GUYS TOWARDS OTHERS. I use to look the other way thinking Botl has just had a few "changing of the guards" so to speak. Newer people newer problems...... I"ll be reporting whomever I feel is coming here to start shit.
This is a open forum to whom which all are welcome. We all come for the brotherhood, knowledge and making life long friends. I do not come here to listen to new guys be assholes to others. I BEG to guys that have been here awhile even if its close to a year or seven. Lets start reporting guys more and cleaning house. Our frat house is in need of a deep cleaning IMO.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada

I am in agreence with you on this. I know I haven't been here long just coming up on a year but I found in the last month ppl are coming on and joining and there is just an ignorance about it. I step in and tell them to watch it or not to talk to ppl that way.

It is sad cause I see some of the FOGs just sliding back and not being as active or vocal. This place is beyond an amazing brotherhood and needs to be treated with the same respect.

Lets smart up everyone and cut the shit. Yes we don't all agree on things that life but to be ignorant about it doesn't make it any better. Let's get back to the brotherhood.

Thanks for posting up like this Jfire.



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Sep 7, 2013
I've only seen one post out of malice on here.and that person was banned Could you elaborate?


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
You're right, I have seen a few myself and reported them as everyone should. It is one thing to give a little crap to people but there does need to be some respect involved. If someone wants to get crappy then it should at the very least be moved to a PM. The forum is not meant for drama just don't comment if you feel you need to say something that is very negative.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I honestly think it is part of the growing pains we have been going threw lately. I think it will settle if we keep on it.


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
This really sucks to hear. Because A) life's to short to be an a-hole B) It ruins a good thing and C) I don't want an "noob" resentments flowing over onto the good newbies...not fair. (I'm not at all saying there is resentment and immediate judgment by anyone specific but it is likely to happen) not a good thing!

I for sure will report anything if I see it but thankfully everyone/every post I've read has been nice and helpful. Or just a bunch of friends busting balls.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Ball busting is part of the business we are in but there has been an edge around here as of late.

These ppl on here do not judge on whole but rather a situation. 3/5 just keep it clean and you will have no issues.
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Aug 28, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Perhaps I not reading the right threads, cause I have not seen too much of this or perhaps I'm totally oblivious and your referring to me since I'm a new guy. I personally don't like the new guy versus old guy delineation between members, because as previously stated this is an open forum and we should all just be "members". While I totally understand foul posts what is the definition of a "negative post"?
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Jan 15, 2014
Staten Island, NY
I agree with 3/5 I def understand where your coming from just wouldn't want long timers or botl's with time in to look at newbs as a pain or become real quick to pass judgement because were "newbs"

And I agree we all busy ball I myself to my friends know I'm the most sarcastic person ever but there's a fine line to not cross


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
I agree, and I am with you.

Funny you just posted this, because for the very first time I sent a PM last week to the Mod on duty on a post that I felt was offensive. And not just offensive to me, but just a big "F You" to everyone.

I have felt that most of the time, people like this will be weeded out when they see that this forum is truly a Brotherhood and not supportive of negative posts and douchebaggery. Having said that, I have seen some crappy posts lately.


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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
This was not meant to be a new guy vs old thing. But once again I've seen it quite often lately where a newer member has come in saying F you to Botl or to other members. Some being senior to them. Even brining it to other forms is social media to "diss on" Botl. All I ask is that everyone keep a eye out from now on and report someone one not being respectful to others. Can a more senior member brake the rule? Absolutely. But we tend to not go that road very often. Even guys with 6 months or less tend to behave IMO.
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Feb 19, 2011
Brick, NJ- 10 mins from the beach
I agree Justin. Good on you for posting this and bringing some attention to the issue.
I've only been on here for three years and I feel a part of,yes, but also still new. It's an odd behavior but I have seen guys come right in and have an air about them as if they've been here forever and make offensive comments. Personally, I had a newbie 'call me out' on a cc purchase that didn't have pics with the post- as if it was not believed...I would never, ever even think to act this way towards another member- regardless of if they are brand new here or are a founding member. The insinuation was embarrassing and offensive. And that's just a g-rated example.
A lot of posts have been offensive and not in line with the culture. I just chill, watch, ask, learn, smoke, and dig. Can't go wrong IMO. Enjoy botl. That's what it is for- enjoyment and a sense of brotherhood.
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Oct 27, 2012
Orlando, FL
Sounds good. I tend to ignore that kind of stuff but I slip occasionally like everyone else. I generally leave it for the mods to deal with as they see fit if they deem something needs to be done. I've participated in a couple of closed threads, and it seems that the response time is actually pretty good compared to other forums I've been a member of.


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
I for one as a new guy think this is a great topic. I love it here because the environment isn't a bunch of douchebaggery like most other forums. I think the negative guys will weed themselves out personally. Too much fun and brotherhood here to let a couple jerks mess it up :)
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Nov 1, 2013
A lot of times it's just because you don't see the persons face, and so don't care what they think or how what you type is heard.

There's a comic on XKCD about a vulgar internet convo between two people and an Angel carries one to the other so they can both see each other and upon return, both are more genial towards each other. The anonymity of the internet is a sad thing.

I've reported someone once, but I try not to ever do so, moderation is often one sided and doesn't solve problems, and comments are commonly prone to misinterpretation, sometimes intentionally in the heat of the moment or when responding quickly. I could report more, but such wouldn't be in what I think the spirit of this place is. Instead, while I'm not perfect at it, I honestly just try to be understanding, while still showing that I may or may not agree, but respectfully so. I would say that nine times out of ten, the issue isn't hostility, but one of context.

In the end, the only way to demonstrate how one should and shouldn't act, regardless of opinions, is to try and lead by example (if you act aggressive for example, then they will too, and if they respond one way and you respond the same, then it will continue). I've found that usually transitions the trolls and malcontents.

Such is of course, merely my experience.
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BoM July '12
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Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
A lot of times it's just because you don't see the persons face, and so don't care what they think or how what you type is heard.
you have a point there, both about anonymity, and the problems of hearing one's own "voice" in print. BUT. we try to hold ourselves to a higher standard. and we will.

your gut may tell you to respond, but that rarely if ever helps. report it, and call in assistance.
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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
Being a newb myself, the only input I have has been mentioned before. People who are here for the brotherhood will stay for it. Those seeking personal gain and gave no luck in doing do will talk some shit then eventually leave once they realized there's nothing for them here.
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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
I for one as a new guy think this is a great topic. I love it here because the environment isn't a bunch of douchebaggery like most other forums. I think the negative guys will weed themselves out personally. Too much fun and brotherhood here to let a couple jerks mess it up :)
I've said on countless occasions that the brotherhood here is remarkable, especially considering that this is an internet forum. What other forum would you find its members handing out mailing addresses of other members, many of whom you've never met in person and likely never will? How many other forums can you find where people who have spent years researching their hobby willingly and eagerly sharing their wisdom and learning instead of either charging you for it or refusing to give it up (for those of you unaware, go to almost any photography forum and try to find out how someone set up a shot or what their post-production "recipe" is)?

There are a few brothers here whose balls I happily and enthusiastically break <cough><cough>ProblemCauser and H3<cough><cough> and that's one of the big draws for me - to find this kind of levity in a life where everyday has stress and angst.

Yeah, in the past few weeks I've noticed some antagonizing behavior and one outright flame but I also think that, over a short period of time, it self-corrects. As long as those of us who find brotherhood and friendship here work to keep it front and center, trolls will get bored or the caustic members will change their tone. If not, I trust the mods to faithfully employ the ban-hammer. :hammersma

Finally, when I do find some aggressiveness happening, I like to go back and read the mental health thread, Britt's new thread on his engagement, and the other posts where the brothers open up and, regardless of how much fun we've had busting chops that day, we quickly respond with support, empathy, and compassion. We are a good group.

Thanks for creating a thread - sometimes it helps just to be forced to reflect what's going on.

I've been here three and a half months… but I am home.