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Please report foul or negative posts.


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Sep 7, 2013
Wow, Rdomfoto I couldn't have worded it any better. Cheers
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Feb 6, 2014
I'm brand new here as you can see from my super low post count. But my main reason for joining this forum and reading as much as I can is because many other forums are full of the kind of thing you write about. I belong to other forums with other subjects and they usually have times where people get out of line and I really hate that. But this group seemed really respectful and open to new people and were generally pretty helpful to each other. I hope that the courteous trend continues and the BS ends.

This is a nice relaxing place to stop and read throughout the day, I'd hate for this to end.

Keep up the good work!
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Nov 13, 2013
I'm generally offensive and foul, please don't report me.
I want to piggy back off this. I enjoy ball busting between friends. If I am crossing a line in your eyes please let me know via a pm and I will happily self correct. I wouldn't want to take away how spectacular this little corner of the Internet is
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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
I'm generally offensive and foul, please don't report me.
I want to piggy back off this. I enjoy ball busting between friends. If I am crossing a line in your eyes please let me know via a pm and I will happily self correct. I wouldn't want to take away how spectacular this little corner of the Internet is
Josh - I just saw your tagline and you've accidentally (I'm sure) spelled "Rupe" incorrectly.
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Jan 5, 2014
Arvada, CO
Guess I'm in the wrong threads also as I have not seen any I'm offended by. Over the years I've been in many forums and the only reason I joined this one was because of the brotherhood feel. I joined a few other cigar forums at the same time and haven't been back since I've found BOTL. Hope it stays this way I'm sure the offenders will move on with time. Reporting and not engaging works best with most.


BoM May '11
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Feb 24, 2010
Dutton, Ontario, Canada
Time for this old asshole to start posting again.
I find it offensive that you're calling yourself an asshole. I usually count on Rich to call you an asshole. I may have to sanction you. :hammersma

Anyway, thanks for posting that Jfire. As a part time mod with a family and a full time job, I admit it's hard to follow what goes on in every thread all through the day here -- however, when someone reports a post it sends a message to all the mods/admins and, as others have said, it's usually handled by one of us within a few minutes of getting the email. I appreciate everyone that keeps an eye out for the board, and please don't hesitate to report anything you find offensive at any time. If you're not comfortable with using the report function, feel free to send me a PM directly and I'll make sure to look in to it.
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Apr 30, 2013
Greensboro, NC
I would say overall this forum is better than other types of forums I've experienced in the past. Most forums I've seen often have a lot of sniping and personal attacks, which are genrally a result of people discussing politics or other hot button issues. I've seen this pop here recently when people were discussing an issue such as that. In general, It's been my experience the less forums talk about that stuff the more peace that exists. I might be off base with this opinion, but I think that is the reason this forum is better than mosts. Politics often brings out the worst in people, and cigars often bring out the best in people. Generally, I haven't seen a lot of negative posts about other brothers named specifically.


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
I want to piggy back off this. I enjoy ball busting between friends. If I am crossing a line in your eyes please let me know via a pm and I will happily self correct.
I dont think ball busting and prodding among friends is what jfire is talking about here... new guys, old guys, mods, admins, and regular "users" alike all regularly exhibit this sort of behavior.. its not a problem (or.. at least.. I dont see it as a problem).. thats just playful banter among friends.. no different that what you see in most offices, squad bays, firehouses, etc.. all around the country..

Regarding the OP.. I freely admit that I have been quick to play "guardian" to the community.. and on occasion have probably stepped across lines that should only be crossed by moderators and admins.. and engaged people that I thought were acting in a manner that is harmful to BOTL..

Its not in my nature to "let things slide".. I'm also not one to act as a "tattle tell" (other than to tell on myself occasionally).. If someone is behaving in a manner that I believe to be inappropriate or improper.. I often feel compelled to do something about it (even when it is not necessarily my role/position)... In short.. I like this place.. and I have a history of trying to play "protector" when I see things happening that I feel are damaging.. or has the potential to be damaging..

That said.. the discussion here makes sense.. I'll commit to doing more "reporting" and do my best to keep from "feeding the trolls" whenever I can.. (something I know I have been guilty of in the past)...
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Feb 8, 2014
Covington, Georgia
I'm a Newb here and I just have to say that I love this forum. Y'all brothers make me feel at home and y'all keep me rolling with laughter which is why I enjoy being on here. Now if I do notice someone disrespecting I may have to kneecap 'em! ;)
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Jun 2, 2013
Excelsior, MN
I joined this forum after being directed here by someone from another forum. It has fully lived up to everything that person has had to say. I am one of the people who reads A LOT and tends to not post a ton for whatever reason. I love the banter, ball-busting and "brotherhood" feelings this forum has.

I agree with what guys previously have said. This is a special place where not only are guys willing to give free and helpful (when not busting balls) advice on almost everything you ask but guys here GIVE AWAY what they are passionate about. That is rare. I haven't come across too many other "hobbies" where guys give as generously as they do around here.

On the topic that the OP brought up. I have really only seen one post that I thought was offensive. The post was very quickly edited and I haven't seen any posts from that person since.

Thanks to all who have made this place so welcoming and thanks to those who will join and carry on what the forum is meant to be.
All the best everyone… and t-minus 6 weeks until I'll be blowing up mailboxes again (fooorree)


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
I'm glad this thread didn't derail. It certainly had the potential. Especially the fact that I didn't correct the atrocious spelling and grammer in my second post. Thanks for listening guys to my thoughts. Like most of you Botl is more than just a Internet forum to me. Lets keep it protected for all the new guys to come.
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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
I'm glad this thread didn't derail. It certainly had the potential. Especially the fact that I didn't correct the atrocious spelling and grammer in my second post. Thanks for listening guys to my thoughts. Like most of you Botl is more than just a Internet forum to me. Lets keep it protected for all the new guys to come.
Word ^^


I hate E and Chef
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Feb 18, 2010
I'm glad this thread didn't derail. It certainly had the potential. Especially the fact that I didn't correct the atrocious spelling and grammer in my second post. Thanks for listening guys to my thoughts. Like most of you Botl is more than just a Internet forum to me. Lets keep it protected for all the new guys to come.
Good thing Rich isn't around to correct the grammar :)

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
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May 21, 2013
New Hampshire
Jfire your OP just shows how much love and respect you have for this great place. It is very apparent you are not the only one. We can all only hope that if we can keep it clean and respectful this place will continue to prosper. Thanks Brother.
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May 29, 2008
I find myself reading less and less these days. Not sure why. I tend to generally ignore some of what the OP is talking about unless something really hits me wrong. Sometimes intent is misunderstood in these typed words we read. I suck at communicating my thought s into words. On this forum, the intent is never there for me. I try to explain myself, if it's mistaken for malice I will apologize for it. I have gotten fired up a couple of times lately but I refrained from posting, once cuz another Brother talked me down in PM. I spend more time on this forum because it has more trading, bombing, chatting and less drama as alot of other places.

Pay it Forward. That's what I like. I guess gone are the days of the first post u see after a disagreement is "someone give me that guys addy!"

I try to refrain from posting unless it's constructive. I also try to stop this kind of behavior in my threads, whether it be a pass, a question, or whatever thread I start. If we monitor our own behavior the mods won't have to.

Oh and I have Jolietfires addy if anyone wants it.