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Anybody made a TEMPORARY outdoor smoking room thingy?


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
Go by some of the Blue One inch Insulation board and make a hut with it. Leave about a one to two inch gap in the ceiling of it to vent or bigger if you want more light. make it just big enough for you to sit in with a heater. I did this in my garage. I just used ducktape on the inside walls to fold up. It worked really well in my opinion.


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May 23, 2010
Buy a cheap old RV and use it. They have propane furnaces installed already.
^^^Thanks for the awesome idea! You saved me from making the huge mistake of getting rid of my mini travel trailer in my backyard :)
I picture one of those 70's trailers as a perfect lil hut. I know my brother in law used to use one for hunting season, it was just big enough for a bed, and a heater. You figure something like that would have a toilet so you don't even have to run inside. I don't know much about the small rigs, but it could have a fridge, etc. Our RV is very well insulated, so even in the heart of winter I had a fan pulling air in, and another fan blowing air out. I smoke in it year round and it's never stuffy with cigar smoke or anything. Venting is the most important thing. Our propane furnace barely kicked in last winter.
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Feb 28, 2011
Go to the BM and relax and get to know the people working there. I'm such a regular at mine anymore I even ring people up if they're to busy. Makes having somewhere warm, dry and relaxing to hang out. I smoke outside in the fall under my patio heater, but once it's to cold it's the BM or go for a drive.
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Oct 23, 2013
Island Lake, IL
Up here a heater alone isn't enough.... i think the ice fishing shanty is your best bet. They also collapse down so when you move again in 11 months, it'll be easy. Get a "Little Buddy" heater from Menard's and you'll be good to go. Ice fisherman sit in those things with that little propane heater for hours and hours. They have flap windows you can drop down for ventilation.

And i bet you can pick up both for cheap at the end o season sales next month.

I literally may take my own advice as this winter was miserable for smoking outside... and my local B&M cigar lounge is a dungeon.
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Oct 12, 2013
Southern NJ, or NC Mountians
A couple years ago, I decided to make a "temporary" smoking room. I have a covered back porch, so I framed a small 6' x 6' room off one of the patio doors using 2x3s. Covered the outside with R-4 as a wind break. I framed a hole up high on one side and installed a fan, leaving a small space up high on the opposite wall for cross ventilation. Cost less then a hundred bucks to do.

I have an 88k btu high hat, that I cut down, and built a custom base for, so that the heat is at head level while sitting. Added a 32" flat screen.

I was going to disassemble it during the summer, but saw a 5k btu window A/C unit at Sams for under $100. Framed a hole in the wall down low next to where I sit for the A/C unit.

Toasty in the winter, and nice and cool during those 90+ 100% humidity summer days.

I'm planning on building another at the NC house once I get it ready to move in. This one will be more permanent with 2x4 framing, R-13 insulation, sheet rocked interior, T-111 exterior, wiring and lighting. Should be able to do it for well under 2 bills.
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Jul 20, 2011
Near Twin Cities MN
A couple years ago, I decided to make a "temporary" smoking room. I have a covered back porch, so I framed a small 6' x 6' room off one of the patio doors using 2x3s. Covered the outside with R-4 as a wind break. I framed a hole up high on one side and installed a fan, leaving a small space up high on the opposite wall for cross ventilation. Cost less then a hundred bucks to do.

I have an 88k btu high hat, that I cut down, and built a custom base for, so that the heat is at head level while sitting. Added a 32" flat screen.

I was going to disassemble it during the summer, but saw a 5k btu window A/C unit at Sams for under $100. Framed a hole in the wall down low next to where I sit for the A/C unit.

Toasty in the winter, and nice and cool during those 90+ 100% humidity summer days.

I'm planning on building another at the NC house once I get it ready to move in. This one will be more permanent with 2x4 framing, R-13 insulation, sheet rocked interior, T-111 exterior, wiring and lighting. Should be able to do it for well under 2 bills.

I'd love to see pictures of your current setup. Sounds almost exactly what I wanted to do


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
For the guys that suggest using a ice fishing shelter..... I use to smoke in my CLAM brand pop up Ice fishing shelter on a daily basis. Even with the vent holes.... It plain sucked. And next time I went to fish or sit in the shelter it stunk to high hell. Food for thought.
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Aug 28, 2013
Atlanta, GA
How about one of these from sears for $379? While a PIA, if you are moving you can take it apart and haul it to your next house.
