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Tim Podwika From PODMAN Cigars Interview yesterday

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Jun 18, 2012
Long Island
Anyone Else Catch the Tim Podwika interview yesterday ?

I was in my basement running a damn snake through a washer drain line and my ipad kept cutting out.

Watched some of it, but it was slammed with a crap load of guys and you couldn't get any questions in.. Everyone... self included wanted those damn Ratzillas

anyway I am curious..

Does Tim own an actual Podman B&M or is Podmans just an internet presences ?

I notice on Tims Twitter acct. it shows that he is in Plainfield, IL ... but during the interview he was saying he is in Miami... ??


Have Cigars Made Tim a Millionaire ?


BoM 10/12, 9/13, & 8/14
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Jan 8, 2012
Northeast Tennessee
I seriously doubt that the cigar business has made Tim a millionaire. If it has, good on him. He's fast, reliable, and a great BOTL supporter.
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Aug 30, 2012
Miami, FL
From previous brief discussions with Tim it is my knowledge he frequents Miami often using the Cuban crafters brick and mortar place as a base of operations, the interview can be seen on robbyrasreviews. Great guy, love what he is doing.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
Tim is a billionare! He has a yacht and a personal chef. He also likes long walks on the beach and holding hands with strangers. He has also been known to keep bananas in his pocket, when he is happy to see you of course. ;-) Hehe!
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Podman Cigar Company
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Jun 6, 2009
Plainfield, IL and Miami, FL
Tim is a billionare! He has a yacht and a personal chef. He also likes long walks on the beach and holding hands with strangers. He has also been known to keep bananas in his pocket, when he is happy to see you of course. ;-) Hehe!
LMAO that is great! I had a good time last night. As for your questions my operation is online only. I have my home and family in Plainfield but operate my business out of Miami so I split the time the best I can. It is very challenging building up from nothing so maybe one day I will become what Rex dreams for me. lol
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Aug 15, 2012
Spokane WA
Tim is a billionare! He has a yacht and a personal chef. He also likes long walks on the beach and holding hands with strangers. He has also been known to keep bananas in his pocket, when he is happy to see you of course. ;-) Hehe!
Those dreams are great/ funny and hoshneer your a riot man
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Aug 8, 2013
Looks like this tread got lock to protect the problems people are having with Podman, personally have had it with ordering from him with the shotty service and excuses , up to ten days on my last order and it reads, status as shipped, right away to slow down the customer from knowing the order was never ship and money taken from Visa and finding out now after 10 days a mysterious tracking number (mailed at 10 days out) appears after 7, that's 7 email's and failed phones calls
Last order

I'm gonna say one last thing. It seems like there are a lot of excuses being made. One brother who knows him personally said he would have Tim call me but that never happened.. I honestly think someone else who is capable of handling orders should be the official site sponsor and sell the BOTL cigars. It's a shame imo that he gets to sell them rather than another vendor who cares about their customers and doesn't take them for granted. Just my $0.02.


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Dec 3, 2004
Looks like this tread got lock to protect the problems people are having with Podman, personally have had it with ordering from him with the shotty service and excuses , up to ten days on my last order and it reads, status as shipped, right away to slow down the customer from knowing the order was never ship and money taken from Visa and finding out now after 10 days a mysterious tracking number (mailed at 10 days out) appears after 7, that's 7 email's and failed phones calls
Last time

I'm gonna say one last thing. It seems like there are a lot of excuses being made. One brother who knows him personally said he would have Tim call me but that never happened.. I honestly think someone else who is capable of handling orders should be the official site sponsor and sell the BOTL cigars. It's a shame imo that he gets to sell them rather than another vendor who cares about their customers and doesn't take them for granted. Just my $0.02.
No, your assumption is incorrect. I locked the thread because the member you quoted contradicted what he said earlier in the thread. Nor was it deleted and it's a really old thread - just like this one. Click.
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