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Pipes VS Cigars my take after a couple months

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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
Some of these points are pretty well known but just adding my viewpoint after smoking pipes for awhile:


Normally,clip it, light it and smoke it. Although some require relights and touch ups for uneven burns for the most part they are light and forget.
Flavor profiles seem stronger and more varied. Obviously I've not had a wide variety of pipe tobacco yet but it would have to come a long way to match. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. (see pipe review)
At local B&M's cigars are more widely available than pipe tobacco.
On many cigars you can put the smoke down and come back to it several minutes later with no need to relight.

More expensive overall if you are more than a casual cigar smoker.
Requires care in storage.
They make my hands reek of cigar smell and more prone to making clothes smell as well. (I'm talking about on my porch where I normally smoke here)
If you are limited on time you either have to have smokes sized for that, or toss it when you have to stop. (I don't clip and relight) This adds to the cost.



Pipe tobacco is very inexpensive compared to cigars.
Although flavor profiles seem weaker, after getting used to them the milder strength actually can make tasting the nuances easier.
I can hold a pipe in my mouth and do other things. I can't stand to do this with a cigar.
Pipe and tobacco storage requires less work.
Smoking a pipe seems more relaxing.
Since I don't handle it so much with my hands, they don't smell of smoke when I'm done.
If you are interrupted and have to stop mid bowl you are out very little money.


Initial purchase can be expensive depending on what kind and how many pipes you start with.
Until you learn to pack the pipe it will require lots of fuss and relights.
Even after you learn to pack a pipe there will probably be a relight or maintenance on the bowl.
Pipes should be cleaned and maintained regularly.
I've heard some pipes are fragile if you drop them.
I seem to take more smoke into my lungs with pipes. I'm sure this is just technique but early on it made me almost stop smoking them. I seem to have gotten better at it lately.

These are just my personal thoughts. Although I tend to be reaching for the pipe more lately when I do have a cigar I really enjoy it. Is one better than the other? To me, no. They are different and require different attitudes.
I'm finding the pipe maintenance to be less of a hassle than I thought it would be but it's still more than cigars if you have a solid humidor set up.

And the pipe tobacco makes the house smell NICE.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
That is a very good way of explaining it. I go through phases and a lot of it for me has to do with money. The pipe I can smoke every day for a year with very good quality tobacco for probably under $500. You can't do that with cigars.


BoM July '12
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Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
well said, highlander, and glad you are having success on the briar path! and, yes, it is NOT an either/ or scenario, and in fact i was in the same boat as you, finding i saved my cigar grabs for something that matters, and getting ore out of them for it.

FWIW, i find it is EASIER for me piping in an interrupted state (say at work) as i can set a bowl down for hours in between smokes; it may take me twelve hours to finish a bowl, and it tastes as well or better than at the start. i have NEVER found a cigar that will have that kind of flexibility.
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May 29, 2008
But damn I love cigars!!!!!
Me too, but I think I'll be culling my herd down to only the smokes I really like.
U took the words outta my mouth. That's what I'm doing. I've quit chasing the HTFs and LEs. And picking up what I know I want and like. Then putting them to rest until I know I want to enjoy that particular cigar. No more digging thru humi or coolers trying to figure out what to smoke. The rest of the time I'm all about the pipe.
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May 29, 2008
well said, highlander, and glad you are having success on the briar path! And, yes, it is not an either/ or scenario, and in fact i was in the same boat as you, finding i saved my cigar grabs for something that matters, and getting ore out of them for it.

Fwiw, i find it is easier for me piping in an interrupted state (say at work) as i can set a bowl down for hours in between smokes; it may take me twelve hours to finish a bowl, and it tastes as well or better than at the start. I have never found a cigar that will have that kind of flexibility.


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
Making me want to try pipes more and more...
dude, do the pipe trade. one of us will gladly get you enough gear to at least spin it around the block, kick the tires, and whatnot.
I keep contemplating saying I'm in but my instincts tell me too stay away :)

I second this. I spend enough money on cigars...but if I find I enjoy it and it will save me money...decisions decisions. My dad used to have some old pipes but got rid of them a long time ago after finding out I was smoking the wacky tabbacky outa them...


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
I have a few pipes that my wife's aunt gave me. I have not tried a lot of samples but I have not been able to find a good full flavor tobacco or even something close. Would love to have some suggestions. Thanks.