Perfect answer !
Here is a copy of the PM that I sent to Wicket to get him started..........I've been using KL for about a weeks. Started it up with instructions from Rupe and it's been holding at 66 with no change. When I built the wineadore I figured why not try to run KL and if that didn't work I could change over to beads without much money wasted. So far KL is doing what people have said it would.
are these instructions wrote down somewhere, im thinking about going with KL for my coolidor im starting to build tomorrow
First off you want to make sure that you start with the right type of KL. It needs to be the crystal type and unscented. Personally I use Mimi litter ($4 for 4 pounds at WalMart) but others have had the same result with the Equisicat brand. Just make sure that it is the crystal style and unscented.
Next you will want to choose the right container. Some people have used nylon stockings or filter media bags to hold it but I have heard a complaint or two regarding dust if you do it this way. It is also a little bit harder to hydrate so what I have found is the best container is a shallow plastic Tupperware style container. In my one cooler I used plastic switch boxes (the type that you would use if you are putting a switch or outlet into your house) but the reason for this was that they fit perfectly into the empty space I had . The ones I use for my other cooler are the smaller containers that lunch meat came in originally. Sandwich size Gladware containers are also a great option. Basically any shallow plastic container will work.
Fill the containers with the KL about 1/2" to 1" deep. A little deeper than that will not hurt however the key is not to have a ton of KL but rather to have as much surface area exposed as possible. then distribute the containers at various locations. For a wineador I would say that you would want to have a couple of containers on the bottom and one or two on the top. if you have space one in the middle would not hurt but if you have some sort of circulation setup in your wineador it probably is not necessary.
Now to hydrate the KL. My suggestion is to go to WalMart and buy a spray bottle. I found one in the housewares section by the ironing supplies for around a buck. Fill the spray bottle with distilled water and spray the water over the top of the KL that is in your container. From my experience, the KL is generally about 60% RH out of the bag and that you can raise the humidity by 1% for every 1-2 spritzes. in other words if you want to get your humidity to 65% (for example) start by spraying each of your KL containers 5-7 sprays. Now strategically place the containers in the wineador. Let it sit for at least a day and see where the humidity is. If you need more humidity, give it a few additional spritzes. if you accidentally over humidify, just add a little more KL from the bag to bring it back down and let it sit another day. I have found that by doing this you can dial it in to the % you want within 2-3 days.
Important things to consider
- Make sure that your hygrometers are properly calibrated. This sounds basic but many people forget to take this important step.
- Make sure that your spaces are as full as possible. Spanish cedar and cigars will help to regulate your humidity. if you have a lot of empty space you can fill it with empty boxes from your B&M. If your space is empty it will be harder to keep a constant RH.
- When placing your Spanish cedar trays or empty cigar boxes inside, make sure that they are "seasoned". I have seen it happen more than once where someone has put dry boxes or trays into their cooler or wineador and it has made it very hard to stabilize their humidity.