Honestly, as a new smoker, I wouldn't buy much to "age" (or "rest") at this point. Your palate is going to change drastically over the next year or two, and most of the cigars you might like now, you may not like in a year or two as your palate acclimates to your new hobby.
I'd recommend going slow, avoiding impulse shopping at the bargain sites, and using forums like this to get recommendations based on what you've already smoked and liked/disliked. Buy fivers of those, and sample them at 3 or 6-month intervals. There's no point in stocking up on a cigar you find you dislike.
It's tough for a noob. I remember the frustration of thinking I needed to stock up NOW so that they'd be waiting for me when I was ready. Here's the rub: some of those aged out, and went flat. Some of them shined after a year or two, and then went flat. Some haven't shined yet!
What I would look for now are inexpensive but quality cigars that have profiles you enjoy, and let them rest for 3 months - they're generally already ready to smoke, they just need to acclimate to a proper smoking rH, as most shopes (both B&Ms and online outfits) tend to keep their stock around 70+%, which is too high. For most NCs, that's enough to help the flavors marry and they improve (I'm thinking staples like the Oliva G, Undercrowns, Fuente 858s, Padrons x000's). As you slowly (keyword: slowly) accumulate a cigar stash, some will age longer and you'll have plenty to smoke that are ready. As you slowly sample a wider and wider range of things, you'll develop a better idea of what you're going to enjoy long-term, and after a couple years, you'll be ready to start putting things away for a while.
As in most things in life, cigar smoking is a hobby that rewards patience. Take it slow, ease into it, and you'll be rewarded.