I find crazy stuff all the time... same goes with liquor and my wine coolers.... I found a quart....yes, a quart, bottle of Johnny Walker Black a year ago... and Glenmorangie liter bottles of Burgundy wood and Port wood finish...made before they started calling it La Santa and Quinta Ruban...etc... They go back a few years. For cigars, I most recently stumbled on a forgotten bundle of 1997 vintage LGC miami rolled wavells...wrapped in the old logoed white paper they used to use at the old El Credito factory. And during my most recent humidor clean-out, I found numerous partial/combined boxes of old Pete Johnson stuff that I sold here..... after I made sure that I still had some for me... because I have finally come to realize that even if I smoked a cigar every day for the next 10 years... I will still have cigars....