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Sayings you HATE!!!

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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I like saying clip because it bugs other gun people so goddamn much. I like to poke bears with sticks when it's a piddly BS thing to get all uppity about. I know they're magazines but I know it also bugs people to call them clips. I'm a natural pain in the ass.

I thought of one. Some people over use the phrase "quite frankly". Doesn't that mean to be of a few words and direct? So why do you keep going on after saying "quite frankly" for 5 min.


BoM December 2012
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Nov 10, 2011
Columbus, OH
Not really a saying, but it really pisses me off when someone spells/pronounces espresso as expresso. I wanna throat punch them right then & there! :eyebrow:


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
I'm not sure why but it drives me nuts when people mangle an expression by using the wrong word.


What in the Sam Hell....it's supposed to be Sam HILL, NOT Sam Hell. This is an expression from 100 years ago when people would never say the word "hell" in polite company.

For all intensive purposes...What? The correct saying is "for all INTENTS and purposes". Not exactly sure why it would be intense.

It's a mute point....Sorry, the correct word is MOOT (meaning invalid) NOT mute which means silent.

And the one that gets murdered here quite a bit.....You taste things with your palate, not your pallet (something that you put boxes on and move around with a forklift) or your palette (the board that an artist puts his paint on and paints a portrait with).

OK, my rant is over...going to chillax now.
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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
I'm not sure why but it drives me nuts when people mangle an expression by using the wrong word.


What in the Sam Hell....it's supposed to be Sam HILL, NOT Sam Hell. This is an expression from 100 years ago when people would never say the word "hell" in polite company.

For all intensive purposes...What? The correct saying is "for all INTENTS and purposes". Not exactly sure why it would be intense.

It's a mute point....Sorry, the correct word is MOOT (meaning invalid) NOT mute which means silent.

And the one that gets murdered here quite a bit.....You taste things with your palate, not your pallet (something that you put boxes on and move around with a forklift) or your palette (the board that an artist puts his paint on and paints a portrait with).

OK, my rant is over...going to chillax now.
Don't have a horse, rupe! ;)
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Jun 2, 2013
Excelsior, MN
I'm not sure why but it drives me nuts when people mangle an expression by using the wrong word.


What in the Sam Hell....it's supposed to be Sam HILL, NOT Sam Hell. This is an expression from 100 years ago when people would never say the word "hell" in polite company.

For all intensive purposes...What? The correct saying is "for all INTENTS and purposes". Not exactly sure why it would be intense.

It's a mute point....Sorry, the correct word is MOOT (meaning invalid) NOT mute which means silent.

And the one that gets murdered here quite a bit.....You taste things with your palate, not your pallet (something that you put boxes on and move around with a forklift) or your palette (the board that an artist puts his paint on and paints a portrait with).

OK, my rant is over...going to chillax now.
Must not have liked my post yesterday then… What in Sam Hell is your prob Rupe hahahha

Like you said, Sam Hill was just a way for people so say "Sam Hell" without being seen as "vulgar". Now that "hell" isn't considered vulgar, isn't it the same darn thing?
Last edited:


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
I'm not sure why but it drives me nuts when people mangle an expression by using the wrong word.


What in the Sam Hell....it's supposed to be Sam HILL, NOT Sam Hell. This is an expression from 100 years ago when people would never say the word "hell" in polite company.

For all intensive purposes...What? The correct saying is "for all INTENTS and purposes". Not exactly sure why it would be intense.

It's a mute point....Sorry, the correct word is MOOT (meaning invalid) NOT mute which means silent.

And the one that gets murdered here quite a bit.....You taste things with your palate, not your pallet (something that you put boxes on and move around with a forklift) or your palette (the board that an artist puts his paint on and paints a portrait with).

OK, my rant is over...going to chillax now.
Must not have liked my post yesterday then… What in Sam Hell is your prob Rupe
I think I'm starting to turn into my grandpa or something. I'm probably one step away from hollering "get off my lawn!!" At the neighborhood kids


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
It's a mute point....Sorry, the correct word is MOOT (meaning invalid) NOT mute which means silent.
No, no, no. It's not "moot point" it's actually a "moo point."

You know? It's like a cow's point of view... it doesn't matter.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
"Socially liberal, economically conservative."
No, just no.
You talking $h!t about me again?

You should come out here, and discuss this with me over some local brews and a pile of double-doubles. My treat. ;)

And I'm with Kev: "expresso is hella up there near the top of the stupid list, right along with axing questions at the liberry."


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
I'm not sure why but it drives me nuts when people mangle an expression by using the wrong word.


What in the Sam Hell....it's supposed to be Sam HILL, NOT Sam Hell. This is an expression from 100 years ago when people would never say the word "hell" in polite company.

For all intensive purposes...What? The correct saying is "for all INTENTS and purposes". Not exactly sure why it would be intense.

It's a mute point....Sorry, the correct word is MOOT (meaning invalid) NOT mute which means silent.

And the one that gets murdered here quite a bit.....You taste things with your palate, not your pallet (something that you put boxes on and move around with a forklift) or your palette (the board that an artist puts his paint on and paints a portrait with).

OK, my rant is over...going to chillax now.
I f##kin' love you, man...