BoM x 2, BoY 2011
" I hate seeing Ara get bombed".
Isn't that ridiculous? Who would ever say that? Duh!
Isn't that ridiculous? Who would ever say that? Duh!
Not sure why, but this made me full on laugh.Yeah. Get off your pestle.
I have this same thought on a daily basis.I think I'm starting to turn into my grandpa or something. I'm probably one step away from hollering "get off my lawn!!" At the neighborhood kids
I have said this to some of the neighborhood kids.I have this same thought on a daily basis.I think I'm starting to turn into my grandpa or something. I'm probably one step away from hollering "get off my lawn!!" At the neighborhood kids
But those are from customers....Because I am in sales and work for a car dealership these are a few expressions I hear regularly that I can't stand:
1.) Is that your best price? No you idiot....it's my worst possible price but I was waiting for a sweetheart like you to come in so I can drop my pants just for you!
2.) But I'm paying cash.... I really don't give a shit if you are paying cash or financing because I don't make more if you don't finance...in fact...depending on the lender and the amount you are financing I can actually get a small reserve from the lender so it actually costs me a potential bonus if you don't finance
3.) I don't pay Admin Fees. Yes you do.....everybody does....I paid the fucking Admin Fee when I bought my vehicle from this dealership and I fucking work here....what makes you so god damned special that you shouldn't have to pay the same Admin Fee that everyone else does?
4.) You need to Sharpen your Pencil. This one really burns my ass because customers like to toss this statement out there like they are my grade 5 teacher giving me a warning because the last report I turned in wasn't up to snuff. I normally respond to this one by saying: "Lucky for both of us I don't use a pencil...I use a pen and I don't make mistakes." Basically...that's the price buddy....take it or leave it.
What about " hey you can work bell to bell every day this week, right?" Yep....this is my life...But those are from customers....Because I am in sales and work for a car dealership these are a few expressions I hear regularly that I can't stand:
1.) Is that your best price? No you idiot....it's my worst possible price but I was waiting for a sweetheart like you to come in so I can drop my pants just for you!
2.) But I'm paying cash.... I really don't give a shit if you are paying cash or financing because I don't make more if you don't finance...in fact...depending on the lender and the amount you are financing I can actually get a small reserve from the lender so it actually costs me a potential bonus if you don't finance
3.) I don't pay Admin Fees. Yes you do.....everybody does....I paid the fucking Admin Fee when I bought my vehicle from this dealership and I fucking work here....what makes you so god damned special that you shouldn't have to pay the same Admin Fee that everyone else does?
4.) You need to Sharpen your Pencil. This one really burns my ass because customers like to toss this statement out there like they are my grade 5 teacher giving me a warning because the last report I turned in wasn't up to snuff. I normally respond to this one by saying: "Lucky for both of us I don't use a pencil...I use a pen and I don't make mistakes." Basically...that's the price buddy....take it or leave it.
What about " hey you can work bell to bell every day this week, right?"
" why isn't this credit app complete?"
"WELL, remember 5 minutes ago when I said it was a cash deal...."
Fuck try begin a lions fan brother next year never comes.As a browns fan. "there is always next year"
Eagles?????? Its always THEIR year.......that never comesFuck try begin a lions fan brother next year never comes.As a browns fan. "there is always next year"
wow! Me too!Drivers license, registration, insurance...
I'd respond to this, but I need to tend to my kids...What I really hate the most people who use their kids as a scapegoat. Sorry I was dealing with my kid bullshit be a man and quit using your kids to get out of shit.