I'm usually a corona/rob smoker, with the occasional toro, torp or churchill. I'm going through one of my humis tonight, and notice a 3 year old 60 x 6" MOW, that a cidbid buddy had sent me in a retaliation strike. Really smooth with the extra age, but 2 hours later, I still have 2"+ left and am bored to tears. Tossed it with a good 45 minutes to an hour left on it. Dang, if I'm going to smoke for 3 hours straight (which I rarely do), I'd rather have 3 totally different coronas or robs. Plus I feel that the smaller RGs have far more intense flavor. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but with the popularity of these, there must be some of you smoking them. So, 60 ring smokers, what draws you to these monster cigars?