For a while, Kandy was considering cloth diapering, just supplemented with disposables...
Anyone gone that route?
I have five kids, ages 6, 5, 2yrs, and the twins are 8 months. We cloth diapered with #2 and #3. Cloth diapering isn't bad, and the kind we were using "G diapers" were super easy. They come apart easily, and if you just wash a load every night, it's not bad at all. But you'll have so much more going on that you should eliminate every extra bit of work you can.
We were still cloth diapering #3 when the twins came along (the twins were born when #3 was 16 months old), and it wasn't that the cloth diapering was hard at all, it was just
one more thing. We put #3 and the twins all in disposables after a couple months just to eliminate the extra.
We buy diapers at Costco, but Amazon and are also good options. We have prime, so depending on whether we need to go to costco, we sometimes order on line, sometimes don't. The prices tend to fluxuate, so as long as you watch you'll get the best deal one way or the other. Kinda like cigars
If you need any tips or have questions, I've
just been through it, so don't hesitate to reach out!
EDIT: Oh, one more tip: Pampers Swaddlers are the recommended brand that most hospitals use when they're born, especially for preemies (which twins generally are). They're more expensive, and they look and feel super soft, BUT they don't have elastic on the back like most other diapers. Which means lots of up-the-back poop-outs! Switch to something else when you get home, trust me on this.
I price them out pretty regularly, and becoming an "Amazon Mom" saves you more than every time (i have found).
Problemsolverjc: cigar bomber, and Amazon Mom. lol, that juxtaposition makes me laugh.