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I Hope I Don't Have To Give Up Cigars

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Oct 12, 2013
Southern NJ, or NC Mountians
In my earlier years, I abused my body living on processed foods, transfats, and HFCS. By the time I was in my mid 40's I was very much overweight and unhealthy. Finally said enough is enough, and started Akins in '03, concentrating on lean proteins, and fresh vegetables. I lost 100 lbs. in 9 months. Instead of going back to my bad habits, I stayed with the lean proteins, tons of vegis, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and a lot of soy (tofu, protein powders, soy beans). A couple years later, I started to get a nasty reaction whenever I ate soy. I did research, and finally found out the truth about this poison. Seems I had developed a soy intolerance due to my overuse. Even worse, once you develop a soy intolerance, it makes it much easier to develop intolerances/allergies to other foods. It wasn't long before I couldn't eat peanuts or chickpeas (same family as soy). A few years later I developed a gluten intolerance, followed by shellfish, corn, and about a year ago, caffeine.

About 6 months ago, I started to notice a problem with potatoes. Over the past few months, I started having bad leg pains and irritability after a gluten free pasta dinner with homemade tomato sauce. I figured the pasta must have been cross contaminated with gluten at the factory, and started to try other brands with similar results. A couple days ago, I made homemade chili with dried chili peppers and diced tomatoes. Had a real bad reaction, so now I'm thinking it was maybe the tomatoes in the sauce, and not the pasta after all. Last night I had gluten free pasta with a homemade alfredo sauce and had zero problems. Further evidence that tomatoes may be the problem. Tonight I made a dinner of grilled chicken, brown rice and broccoli. I used my standard homemade rub including dried chilies and paprika. About 10 minutes after dinner, I had a bad reaction. Heaviness in my legs, tons of pain, and irritability.

So, I did some research tonight, and discovered that potatoes, tomatoes, chilies, peppers, paprika, eggplant and a few others are members of the Nightshade family. They all contain alkaloids like their poisonous cousins, but in much lower doses. These alkaloids produce arthritis, joint pain and nerve problems, to name a few, in folks who develop a sensitivity to them. I'll have to do some more experimenting, but it looks like I will probably have to give up all Nightshades. Fun.

Now the kicker. You know what other plant is a Nightshade? Tobacco! Seems that Nicotine is a very potent Nightshade alkaloid. Over the past year I've noticed leg and joint pain after a cigar on a few occasions, but most of the time no problem. I attributed it to gluten being used in the wrapper glue on some brands. Steve Saka kind of blew that theory out of the water. Now I'm just wondering if it's a matter of time, before I'll have to give up my beloved cigars for good.
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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
Damn that would suck, hopefully it doesn't come to that. Would be wise to begin monitoring how a smoke affects you as you continue to grow older. If you end up having to give cigars up, maybe you can pick up a pipe, and smoke half a bowl at a time?


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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
I hope there is a better alternative than giving up cigars. Dumb question time, I know, I'm known for those, but, the cigars that you have a reaction to, are they stronger cigars, more full flavor? If so, maybe lean more towards medium to mild smokes?
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Jun 6, 2014
West Deptford, NJ
Sad story. Lifestyle changes are tough, but having to give up SO MUCH, as you already have, must be a pretty heavy blow. I hope you find a light at the end of your tunnel and that you don't have to also give up cigars. Head up, bro.
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Jun 27, 2014
Wow that is a bummer. But remember your health is much more important. Be well my friend
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Oct 12, 2013
Southern NJ, or NC Mountians
Yes, I've had to give up a lot, but I still have more blessings then I can count. Life is a lot more then food, drink and smoke.

After re-reading my OP, this looks like a "poor me" thread, but it wasn't meant to be such. I wanted you folks to know that tobacco was a Nightshade plant, and can cause joint pain, nerve damage, arthritis and other problems in folks sensitive to Nightshade alkaloids. In case someone out there is having these problems, and doesn't know what to contribute it to.
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May 29, 2008
No dave it didn't sound like a poor me thread at all but an informative thread. I learned a lot reading it. Besides I know u better than that. Ur out to help others. Sorry to hear it all. Take care.
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Oct 12, 2013
Southern NJ, or NC Mountians
Sad story. Lifestyle changes are tough, but having to give up SO MUCH, as you already have, must be a pretty heavy blow. I hope you find a light at the end of your tunnel and that you don't have to also give up cigars. Head up, bro.
Not to thread jack my own thread, but I see you're in West Deptford. I'm in Audubon. I sometimes get together on Wednesday nights at Time Out Sports Bar in Barrington with some local buds from the CBid forum. Covered rear deck and very cigar friendly. We'd love to have you join us. I think our next herf will be on the 23rd. I'll keep you up to date if you're interested.


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
Wow, crazy story man... hope tobacco doesn't get worse for you. Happy that you turned things around and ate healthy, but who woulda thunk that you would've been steered down this path by eating healthy!?!
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Oct 12, 2013
Southern NJ, or NC Mountians
Wow, crazy story man... hope tobacco doesn't get worse for you. Happy that you turned things around and ate healthy, but who woulda thunk that you would've been steered down this path by eating healthy!?!
It wasn't eating healthy that caused my current problems, it was my soy consumption. Raw soy is a toxin. In the East, they knew this for hundreds of years, and would only consume it in it's fermented form, and even then, only as a condiment for flavoring dishes. In the West, we eat massive amounts of toxic raw soy. Not only does soy contain toxins, but it greatly increases estrogen levels in those who consume it. It has been discovered that male infants being fed soy based formula had higher estrogen levels then teenage girls going through puberty. One of the worst things is Soy Protein Isolate. This is a waste product of soybean oil production, and for years was considered unfit even for use as animal feed. Now food processors are putting it in everything as a cheap filler, and it is the main ingredient in soy protein powders. It shouldn't surprise anyone, as the food industry has been poisoning us for years in exchange for the all mighty dollar, with Roundup Ready Grains (GMOs), HFCS, Transfats and Soy. My food intolerances/allergies are a result of this poisoning.
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Jan 28, 2014
Columbus, Oh
Sorry to hear this, this has been very informational to me though. Thank you for sharing your troubles, I have some research to do it seems.