Coincidentally, after having a lengthy 2-day talk about plume on some HG a couple of months ago with the employee and the owner of my local B&M, resulting in them realizing that they had gotten some moldy sticks from 4K, last night the employee brought over a beautiful BHK56 covered in mold. Belonged to a customer whose assistant brought in his humidor because he suspected it was over-humidified and was worried about his sticks. To say the least! Not only was the BHK covered, the numerous Monte vitolas in there also were nearly ruined. No evidence on the foot, so I advised wiping them off and smoking them. Apparently they were using the 2 foam humi units that came with the box (a nice 150ct Prometheus) PLUS a glycerine pack, PLUS two Bovedas. When he showed me the foam units I nearly retched -- both of them were like mold gardens, totally spilling out with fuzzy green all over both screens. And yet, the employee was still coming to me asking if what was on the BHK was plume or mold. Sigh.
I advised thoroughly drying out, cleaning and re-seasoning the humi, TOSSING the foam units in the trash and sticking with 2 65% Bovedas from now until forever, and smoking those moldy sticks if he wanted to, but not to replace them in the humi after mold remediation.