SGT Hulka
I'm sure this has been asked before and forgive me if it's in the wrong place but I have a question, or maybe just need some insight. I am currently overseas and the desert isn't the best environment for cigars. For storage I have a cigar jar and a couple 25 oz disposable ziploc containers (makeshift tuppedor). For humidification I'm using a Heartfelt 70% rh tube in the the cigar jar and some humi-pillows 67% rh (the ones the cigars shipped with) in the ziploc's. I'm sure this sounds like a shit set up but I'm working with what I have. The other concern that I have is my AC unit really only has two settings: really friggin cold or sweat your ass off. I'm sure everyone knows which setting I use. Some of my cigars pass the "squeeze or pinch test" and smoke pretty good considering, and some, a DE Undercrown and a Herrera Estili to be specific seemed extremely firm. Going against my better judgement and being excited to try them the wrappers on both cracked when I cut them.:argh: I enjoyed them nevertheless but was still disappointed. My main concern with all this is trying to make sure my smokes are taken care of as best I can. So there's the background. Here's my question; does anyone have experience with a similar situation or any suggestions about what I'm working with so they don't get ruined.