Javelin, read my post closely and you'll see I specifically said if it pleases you to "push" (the OP's word, not mine) a smoker, "OK, good for all who agreed and encouraged."
In my experience a gift is not always appreciated if the recipient might perceive it as a slight.... imagine a relative stranger (or even a friend) gifting you a deodorant stick.
If the gift of a cutter is inferred to be critical of my using a knife to cut my cigar, I could be offended. Maybe, maybe not... why risk it.
My point: a gift as a gift is terrific... as a "push," maybe not so terrific. The recipient's perception, not necessarily the giver's intent, defines the experience
As to why I choose to smoke an inexpensive cigar, the answer is amazingly simple (and basically irrelevant): it's what I can afford if I want to smoke a cigar or two daily.
Gifting me a $ 15 stick is nice, as long as it's not intended to "push" me to make it a regular in my rotation, or to emphasize I'm smoking an "inferior" stick (in the giver's
opinion). sofc seems to get my point on this... thank you, sir!
Now as a casual observation, the majority of those supporting the OP seem to be relatively new to BOTL; this may or not mean they are new to "serious" cigar smoking.
In my experience, however, it is usually the relative newcomer who most enthusiastically embraces a new-found hobby and is most likely to want to share it and promote
it with others. That's certainly not necessarily a bad thing (or a good one either); just seems to be a trait more common to newer converts to many hobbies. Not meaning
to be/seem judgmental ... just an "innocent" observation. It may help explain why, as someone who has smoked cigars off and on for 30+ years, I am less likely to take
an approach similar to the OP's. To each his own is a concept I really embrace!
I think the OP's intentions were positive; hopefully, the recipient realized and appreciated the gesture in the spirit it was intended.