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Always go to the doctor

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Apr 30, 2013
Greensboro, NC
Okay...I've learned my lesson. A few weeks ago I refused to go to the doctor when I was sick. It was the end of the fiscal year for my company, so I didn't want to miss work. It turns out I had an ear infection, and because I didn't take antibiotics the fluid leaked to my nervous system. Now, I have partial paralysis in my face and jaw. Hopefully, the antibiotics I am not taking will fix that.
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
get well soon -- I re-learn that lesson every time I get an infection. I won't go for much of anything else...but I try to remember that possible infections invariably suck more the longer you wait.
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Dec 14, 2013
Whittier, CA
Ear infections are no joke, I used to get them at least once a year. Would wait till I couldn't take the pain anymore before I would try and find old prescriptions or actually go to the doctor. Found out most of the times it was caused by allergies, took many years and a really good doctor to find that out. Hopefully those antibiotics help out once taken. haha


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
Sorry to hear, but glad you are now under a doc's care :thumbsup:

I think we all kinda tend to avoid the doctor because it's inconvenient or whatever else, but soooooo important to keep in good health and nip potential problems in the bud.
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Sep 4, 2014
Valley Stream, NY
Ugh. I hate that. I've been plagued by allergy induced sinus and ear infections as long as I can remember learned long ago the value of a good 'cillan or Z-Pack. Follow the docs orders, take them all, and Get well soon!
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Sep 12, 2014
Hermiston, OR
Get Better soon. I am one that waits to long. Not since my near death experience in 2011. Even then it took 3 days before I would seek help. At that point I couldn't hold food down or water. I couldn't sleep I was in such pain. The doctor that did the 6 hours surgery on me said another day I would most likely been added to the 2% of Autopsy cases. He said he hadn't ever seen a living case in his time. Told everyone in the room to get a good look it will most likely be the last time they would ever see it. After being in the hospital for a week and then a month at home before I even felt like smoking a Cigar or Pipe again lol. First thing I did was lit up a P45 for my son and I. Funny thing is my son was like there dad now we have a reason to smoke them. I was very proud that he didn't smoke anything other then our daily go to and a couple of the P4000 that were bought for him while I was in the Hospital so he was right Great time for a great Cigar...

Get well soon. Just make sure your better before lighting up a Recovery stick. You will enjoy it that much more.



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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
Okay...I've learned my lesson. A few weeks ago I refused to go to the doctor when I was sick. It was the end of the fiscal year for my company, so I didn't want to miss work. It turns out I had an ear infection, and because I didn't take antibiotics the fluid leaked to my nervous system. Now, I have partial paralysis in my face and jaw. Hopefully, the antibiotics I am not taking will fix that.
Fuck! Sorry to hear dude.. Hope those mens get you right.
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Apr 30, 2013
Greensboro, NC
This week I found out I have Bell's Palsy. Apparently, when I didn't treat my ear infection with antibiotics my immune system more than likely was severely weakened. With a weakened immune system I apparently caught a virus that attacked my nervous system, which caused the Bell's Palsy. Doctor thinks everything should be fine in a month. The silver lining in this is that it has caused me to take my health more seriously, and I am starting a diet and exercise regimen.


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
This week I found out I have Bell's Palsy. Apparently, when I didn't treat my ear infection with antibiotics my immune system more than likely was severely weakened. With a weakened immune system I apparently caught a virus that attacked my nervous system, which caused the Bell's Palsy. Doctor thinks everything should be fine in a month. The silver lining in this is that it has caused me to take my health more seriously, and I am starting a diet and exercise regimen.
Good idea. Glad things are on the uptick.
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Apr 30, 2013
Greensboro, NC
This week I found out I have Bell's Palsy. Apparently, when I didn't treat my ear infection with antibiotics my immune system more than likely was severely weakened. With a weakened immune system I apparently caught a virus that attacked my nervous system, which caused the Bell's Palsy. Doctor thinks everything should be fine in a month. The silver lining in this is that it has caused me to take my health more seriously, and I am starting a diet and exercise regimen.
Good idea. Glad things are on the uptick.
Unfortunately, I still can't really smoke a cigar. I can't draw well, and when I tried to smoke a cigar it tasted awful due to my condition.
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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
I've had bells on both sides of my face. The right side was last and never really healed all the way. I smoke cigars on the right side but pipes on the left. I'm back maybe 75% and it's been 15 years. Left side healed fine. Was 5 years prior to the right.