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Prayers Requested

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Sep 21, 2014
Redding Ca
I want to sincerely thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts and well wishes. The doctors removed all three of his chest tubes today and they have his oxygen way down from the 100% they've been giving him for the past 5 days. Another good sign is that when you hold his hand, and try to pull away, he tightens his grip to try to keep you from letting go. The first time he's done that. Gives us hope that maybe, just maybe, he's aware of our visits.

I'll keep you folks up to date as things progress.
THAT is KILLER NEWS so glad he is showing signs of being there! Throwing out some BIG PRAYERS! PLEASE keep us posted! Just remember the swelling HAS to go down before ANYTHING will really change! I have a VERY VERY similar story. It was about my cousin and it will help you in this time of of you process in healing! PLEASE PM me and I will send you a link you NEED to read. I am REALLY hoping this works out for your Bro!



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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
I want to sincerely thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts and well wishes. The doctors removed all three of his chest tubes today and they have his oxygen way down from the 100% they've been giving him for the past 5 days. Another good sign is that when you hold his hand, and try to pull away, he tightens his grip to try to keep you from letting go. The first time he's done that. Gives us hope that maybe, just maybe, he's aware of our visits.

I'll keep you folks up to date as things progress.
Man, this is great news! Keep the positivity going! I'll be praying.
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Oct 12, 2013
Southern NJ, or NC Mountians
Bob had an MRI yesterday, the prognosis is not good. He has DAI - Diffuse Axonal Injury. Basically, it is when the shaking of the brain inside the skull is so severe that the neurons are sheared and can no longer communicate to each other. According to the MRI, Bob's shearing is profuse. There is over a 90% chance that he will never regain consciousness. From a human prospective, it looks hopeless, but our God is a big God, who is the Great Physician, who could heal my brother, if He so desires. I do not claim to know the mind of God, so all I can do is ask for grace, and that His will be done.

Paul tells us in Romans, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." As one who loves God, I must believe that whatever God decides, it is ultimately for the greater good.

"Be still, and know that I am God" is going to be a hard lesson for me to learn at this moment, but I have to be still, place my dear brother in his hands, and allow God to be God.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Praying for your brother Argus. It sounds like he is going to have a tough battle ahead of him.


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
I just saw this thread now... I'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through. I hope the best for you and your brother.
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Oct 12, 2013
Southern NJ, or NC Mountians
I just want to thank everyone once again, for their prayers, thoughts and kind words. His body has healed well, but he is still comatose. The last couple of days, he's had some eye movement when I speak to him. Hopefully that is a good sign. He is being moved tomorrow to a long term rehab hospital in Philly. They will be using "comma stimulation" and other techniques that he has not been receiving in the Surgical Trauma ICU, so the move should be a positive one.

We're also very thankful that the ambulance took him right to Cooper, the only Level 1 Trauma Center in the area. They did a fantastic job saving his life. I don't know if he would have faired as well elsewhere.
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Sep 21, 2014
Redding Ca
I just want to thank everyone once again, for their prayers, thoughts and kind words. His body has healed well, but he is still comatose. The last couple of days, he's had some eye movement when I speak to him. Hopefully that is a good sign. He is being moved tomorrow to a long term rehab hospital in Philly. They will be using "comma stimulation" and other techniques that he has not been receiving in the Surgical Trauma ICU, so the move should be a positive one.

We're also very thankful that the ambulance took him right to Cooper, the only Level 1 Trauma Center in the area. They did a fantastic job saving his life. I don't know if he would have faired as well elsewhere.

So glad to hear that he is stable enough to move! That is killer! Throwing out some prayers for him man!

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Oct 12, 2013
Southern NJ, or NC Mountians
Update. Today I went to the hospital to meet with his doctors, to discuss Bob's rehab options, or at least that is what I was lead to believe. We had recently requested a DNR, but with him breathing on his own, and how good he looked physically, we've had great hope. Instead, the doctors told us that his outlook was very bleak, and that we should consider removing his feeding tube, and start him on a morphine drip. The whole thing took me by total surprise. I asked my sister in NY, who is an RN, to call and find out what the heck was going on. We found out things that we were never told until now. He was oxygen deprived for a full 30 minutes after the accident, as the Paramedics could not get a breathing tube in. During his stay, he has had 3 brain hemorrhages, doing extensive addition damage, plus he has extensive internal injuries. We have questioned his nurses and doctors on multiple occasions, and not once did we receive this information. We will be looking to move him to a Hospice closer to home. Baring a Devine miracle, he's all but gone.

I'd be lying to say that my faith has not been tested, especially today, but I still believe that my God is a good and loving God who has a plan to bring some kind of good out of this tragedy. I may not know what that "good" will be, this side of heaven, but I have to trust His word and promises. I've had to totally place my dear brother in the hands of my loving God. His will be done.

My prayer is that I'll be able to say in all sincerity, as Job said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21 ESV


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
Brother, I am sorry to hear of this news. You are right, God is a loving and caring Father and He will bring good out of this in His own time. I will be praying for you all that His peace which passes all understanding will be with you during this time. Lean on Him to be your rock and us too if need be. Thank you for the update.