Or what ........ You'll send me some rusty hermits!Stop it
Lol, or maybe some more dnr, which I have really enjoyed more than most vapers I e tried to this point btw
Or what ........ You'll send me some rusty hermits!Stop it
WOW nice old baccy. I couldn't keep it that long LOL. I have it! It is open and being smoked. Very nice find (even if it was only found in your cellar) lol.
All great choices
Thank you. The Nightcap, Anni Kake, and Plumb pudding I'm restocking. AJ's VaPer and Escudo will be firsts for me.All great choices
James, that worked perfectly. I got the valve out!!!If you have a Free standing torch that has a air port on it to make it a soft flame or torch you can turn it onto the soft flame and just heat it alittle to melt the tars. I had to do that once with one I had. Didn't take but 30 to 45 seconds of turning it over the flame then came right off...Okay, it's a Kirsten pipe and, yes, I can get a replacement mouthpiece for it. Now I need to figure out how to get the valve at the end off.
That's great! I'm trying to do that with my firearms, so that when I pass them on I also pass along stories of where they've been. I've got my grandfather's first deer rifle that he cut the stock down on and passed to my father when he was a boy. It was then pieced back together with a carved piece if wood and my grandmother used it to hunt for a good number of years before it was passed on to me. I'm trying to get the stories written down while everyone is still around to tell them.I know the feeling about some people not cleaning the pipes. In fact something not everyone knows but pipes back in the day were thought to be throw a ways and most times little effort was put forth in cleaning. Sometimes I wonder if a vintage pipe. I get from an estate sale may be one of them pipes really not smoked since the old owner set it aside for a new one. I have had pipes that you couldn't get a pencil in the bowl and the shank so filled you had to drill it out. The stem so nasty you had to go very slow and clean little at a time before you could even get the pipe cleaner to pass. 40 or so cleaners later you almost have it clean. Makes me wonder really. Your Kirsten is a part of history and now as new as you have/will make it a part of your history. I am going to be making a pipe diary for my son when they get passed down to him the diary will have details so he remembers not only what pipe I smoked or liked the most but some thoughts I may have had on smoking them. Maybe a day I had a bad tobacco experience with pipe xyz but normally I like the combo. My thoughts why or what. Something that he could reflect on if he wanted to. Haven't figured it out how yet but will soon or before I pass on hopefully
That would be awesome as well. Great to have stories from the past. And to keep them alive. In the past it was a way to live. if you didn't get your own kill then you would go hungry. It is good to be able to share that part of your past with your kids and grand kids. Sadly with the way of today and Tech life the good ole days are almost just memories. I come from a past of Grow and raise your food. Today sadly it is almost what you can get at the Fast food chains. Days just don't seem to be as long as they once was back 30 or 40 years ago. Dang say it that way makes me feel old lOLThat's great! I'm trying to do that with my firearms, so that when I pass them on I also pass along stories of where they've been. I've got my grandfather's first deer rifle that he cut the stock down on and passed to my father when he was a boy. It was then pieced back together with a carved piece if wood and my grandmother used it to hunt for a good number of years before it was passed on to me. I'm trying to get the stories written down while everyone is still around to tell them.I know the feeling about some people not cleaning the pipes. In fact something not everyone knows but pipes back in the day were thought to be throw a ways and most times little effort was put forth in cleaning. Sometimes I wonder if a vintage pipe. I get from an estate sale may be one of them pipes really not smoked since the old owner set it aside for a new one. I have had pipes that you couldn't get a pencil in the bowl and the shank so filled you had to drill it out. The stem so nasty you had to go very slow and clean little at a time before you could even get the pipe cleaner to pass. 40 or so cleaners later you almost have it clean. Makes me wonder really. Your Kirsten is a part of history and now as new as you have/will make it a part of your history. I am going to be making a pipe diary for my son when they get passed down to him the diary will have details so he remembers not only what pipe I smoked or liked the most but some thoughts I may have had on smoking them. Maybe a day I had a bad tobacco experience with pipe xyz but normally I like the combo. My thoughts why or what. Something that he could reflect on if he wanted to. Haven't figured it out how yet but will soon or before I pass on hopefully
Good on ya, James, for recording history and creating family heirlooms!