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How much would you pay....

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May 29, 2008
Trying to decide cost of parts and time spent if it's worth making to sell.

I've seen these sold for 50 -80 bucks. I know something is only worth what someone is willing to pay. What would you guys be willing to pay?

Seriously considering making these as well as a few other things.
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Sep 12, 2014
Hermiston, OR
I don't know about what others would or have paid!? I know that I paid more then I wish to admit for 2 pens as gifts. They were made of Dead wood and the other briar. Both were out of this world, 30 06 shells and were inlaid as well. The company that makes them, almost looks like where that pen you have here comes from.. What type of ink inserts would they be filled with? Are they custom to order or would you just make and price? Ask because I was just going to inquire about having another one custom made but would need to be able to know how to set gems (Gypsy Setting)not just an inlay. I have the Gems to set.

Not sure if you or they could set gems or not. I would want to commission a pen and set a gem of lessor quality as a test, before I would have the finial product made with the gem of proper quality, both gems would be mine.

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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
That is beautiful, I would drop 60+ for it... but then I know what kinda work goes into this sort of things. Most folks look at it and consider Wal-mart prices and just walk away. Doing as many shows as I do I know that feeling. When I get 30-40 hours tied up in a scrimshawed powder horn, with $60 in raw materials not including electric, shop tools that need replaced, all the incidental supplies and you ask 240 for it.... well, lets just say folks can get down right ignorant with some of the comments. Most of my stuff, I average about $3 an hour or less. I just really like doing it.
So yes, Its worth what someone else realizes what they are getting and are willing to buy it.
You are very talented Grrr.
(hint) still waiting to hear about my new pipe:)
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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
A friend of mine bought a mini lathe specifically to turn pens and pencils. I ordered a set for my ex-wife several years ago and I was thrilled with the result. Back then I paid about $40 for the pair (he gave me a great deal since we were friends and he was still learning). For people who appreciate fine writing instruments upwards of $80-90 is reasonable.

My friends still produces them (I think) - he gave people a choice of different woods but used Mont Blanc inserts exclusively.

Go for it, Dave!


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Oct 4, 2014
You should try turning shaving brushes, can sell them pretty easy ☺I'll buy one
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Sep 11, 2014
rock hill sc
I would be interested. I would pay $100 for it. I use a space pen? For over 2 years that I played $30 for. I've learned you get what you pay for 99% of the time.


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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
Interesting market. For a custom job like that $75 to $100. You would be marketing to high end hunters and gun people. A smaller group that the general Cabellas market but one that will pay $120,000 for a Purdy pair!
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May 29, 2008
Thanks for the input guys.

I actually have several things I want to make. A shaving brush being one of them. Was considering a shaving set with a brush and razor that takes mach3 blades. And a set that includes a stand.

Pens, pen and pencil sets, duck calls, and I've designed my own thing to make and to include it in a set (keeping it hush hush for now).

I could do both, special orders and sell things I've already made. I'm really enjoying working with acrylic. The choices will be acrylic and certain types of wood.

Thanks again for the input guys.
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May 29, 2008
Well I sold my fist pen last night. Friend at work flipped out over it. I think I've kinda figured out my pricing. Made 40 bucks on this one. Stayed tuned I'm gonna make more. I really enjoying it and hopefully this will help pay for my pipe stuff.
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May 29, 2008
I'd be interested once you get things running. What kind of refill does it use?
I went searching last night for the name of the refill on the website and couldn't find it. I know u can but the inserts everywhere and most pens take the same one.