Ha ha. I'm having the same difficulty in describing it. It has a lot more going on than most of the other blends I've had, and while the components are familiar it just tastes different. Definitely dry the curley out for at least an hour. If you can give it more I would; I try to give it about 2-3 if I can wait. Had issues keeping it lit without some good dry time.It's probably the toughest tobacco to describe that I've ever smoked- how's that for a review? Snork reveals a little pepper and a bit of coffee with a hint of anise- and I mean a hint. I've snorked almost every puff to get what's going on. It definetly benefits from extensive drying. Have enough for one more bowl and then I will revisit the Curly. Sip slowly on this one- it's got BIG teeth.
PS- on a sidenote- the coffee I detect on the retro as well as the pepper is very Dunhill Elizabethanesque
Oh, and yes, it bites hard if you milk it. I also noticed drinking soda or other carbonated beverages exacerbates the bite significantly. Flat water lol.