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My flight home tonight...


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
One of the reasons that I love this place so much is that there are solid brothers all over the country that I can get together with when I travel. Sometimes it consumes my thoughts though which is good and bad.

As a " for instance" I am flying home tonight after a week in Nashville, connecting through Detroit. The captain just came on the PA system and said, "we are currently over Fort Wayne Indiana" and the first thing that popped into my head was HOSHY LOOK UP!!
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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
One of the reasons that I love this place so much is that there are solid brothers all over the country that I can get together with when I travel. Sometimes it consumes my thoughts though which is good and bad.

As a " for instance" I am flying home tonight after a week in Nashville, connecting through Detroit. The captain just came on the PA system and said, "we are currently over Fort Wayne Indiana" and the first thing that popped into my head was HOSHY LOOK UP!!
That's awesome. My old job had me traveling around 60% of the time. I grew tired of it but there's a part of me now - solely because of BOTL and the brothers I've "met" in person and online - that wishes I had a traveling gig again.
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
Even though I never met any of you goofy turds, I want to take a minute and say,
This is a great place, you all are very good folks, even the nipplly ones:) but seriously, I just asked to be removed from another pipe forum cause I just never seemed welcome there, but this place always has warm, accepting folks on it that are willing to poke a good joke or really help out a guy that's just asking a question. This is a very good family here and I am very happy to be part of it, ok group hug now.... Enuff mushy crap, man up and back to our regularly schedule program. :eyebrow:


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
Hahaha! I may have seen you man, I watch the airplanes all the time on my break from the roof. It's true, this is the best place around bar none.
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Jul 25, 2013
West Virginia
Even though I never met any of you goofy turds, I want to take a minute and say,
This is a great place, you all are very good folks, even the nipplly ones:) but seriously, I just asked to be removed from another pipe forum cause I just never seemed welcome there, but this place always has warm, accepting folks on it that are willing to poke a good joke or really help out a guy that's just asking a question. This is a very good family here and I am very happy to be part of it, ok group hug now.... Enuff mushy crap, man up and back to our regularly schedule program. :eyebrow:
I feel all warm n fuzzy/grizzly if you will

Glad you're here, look forward to seeing more pipes and meeting at boswells at some point


Actual Size
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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
As someone who works in the aviation industry, first off, thanks for flying.

If any of you "goofy turds" make it to DFW, even just for an hour, I'll make it a point to meet up with you, even if it is only for an hour and in the terminal.

Hoshy, I completely understand, after 20+ years in the aviation industry, I still love watching planes take off. From my house, I can watch them as they're taking off and landing just over the tree line. It still amazes me.


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
Hell yeah Rupe. The funny thing is, I think Hoshy was thinking "I wish Rupe were looking down upon me right now" at the exact same moment..

This place is magnificent and I wouldn't ask for a better group of friends (and those to come) in the short time Ive been here...we all just "get" it.

King Kill 33

BoM Dec '13
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Feb 19, 2013
Minot, ND
I don't mind the travel I do for work and because of it, have met many great BOTL that I wouldn't have otherwise. I was in Chicago a few weeks ago and met a handful of BOTL's finest for the first and second time. Can't wait for my next trip back. Also, I get to hang with some of Minnesota's best more often so I consider myself lucky in that regard. Next week I am heading to DFW and am hoping to meet up with some of the crew there. More often than not, it is the highlight of my business travel.


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
I agree with all of the above. I met a brother through BOTL and we got together at my place for some brauts and a smoke. 4 years later he is working with me. We trade sticks we haven't tried regularly.
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
Even though I never met any of you goofy turds, I want to take a minute and say,
This is a great place, you all are very good folks, even the nipplly ones:) but seriously, I just asked to be removed from another pipe forum cause I just never seemed welcome there, but this place always has warm, accepting folks on it that are willing to poke a good joke or really help out a guy that's just asking a question. This is a very good family here and I am very happy to be part of it, ok group hug now.... Enuff mushy crap, man up and back to our regularly schedule program. :eyebrow:
I feel all warm n fuzzy/grizzly if you will

Glad you're here, look forward to seeing more pipes and meeting at boswells at some point
I knew I should've went for that group hug crap:) I've been thinkin about heading to Allegheny Smoke Works sometime, it's just north of Pittsburgh, that would be a couple hours closer than Boswell's for you.
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
I hope your happy Rupe, now ya got us all mushy and poking each other in the eyes with lit cigar and pipes doing group hugs...... Another group of "MEN" gone down the crapper...:hammersma
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Jul 22, 2014
Greybull, WY
Have to agree completely with all. Met up with a couple brothers in Seattle two weeks ago... Cool people and good times!