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NY Snow Emergency

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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Ahh the great white south eh. I was actually in Buffalo yesterday it is pretty intense. We got hammered pretty good too. I have about a foot of snow at my place. Stay warm and stay safe all.
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Sep 17, 2012
Western, NY
Yes, Buffalo is screwed for sure. Glad to hear you're safe and sound. The Buffalo Bills are actually offering 10 dollars an hour and free tickets to anyone willing to shovel out the stadium and they say that Sunday's game is still on. How about use your resources to help those in trouble and worry about the football game last?? That's big money for ya....can't stop that train..No no no
Unfortunately there is a travel ban in Buffalo so no one can get to the stadium to do the work. I'm about 60 miles east of Buffalo and I have about 2" of snow. Talked to a friend yesterday and he said that when he opened his front door there was a 4 ft. wall of snow staring back at him. People are getting creative with it.
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Sep 19, 2010
Ellicottville NY
Yes... yes i do... The crazy snow is about 35 min. north of me.... I just noticed we have a member from Olean... I thought i was the only one in Olean who smokes cigars...lol when i lived there Glad to see another brother there for sure.
But we have not got hit by that much snow. We are being told we should receive a ft tonight. but they are say 1-3 more ft. for my area and buffalo.. Hope all is well with everyone


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
Yes... yes i do... The crazy snow is about 35 min. north of me.... I just noticed we have a member from Olean... I thought i was the only one in Olean who smokes cigars...lol when i lived there Glad to see another brother there for sure.
But we have not got hit by that much snow. We are being told we should receive a ft tonight. but they are say 1-3 more ft. for my area and buffalo.. Hope all is well with everyone
Glad to hear everything is under control in your neck of the woods brother
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Jul 20, 2014
Olean, NY
I just noticed we have a member from Olean... I thought i was the only one in Olean who smokes cigars...lol when i lived there
I feel that way now ! No one smokes or sells cigars over here.
Glad to see someone else from the area. Stay safe over there - the Valley opens today so the onslaught begins for you guys.
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Sep 19, 2010
Ellicottville NY
Yea no one has really ever sold anything in Olean. Best close walk in Humi is Salamanca. But if you want a better selection you would have to go to Warren PA or BUffalo area. If your ever in The EVL area let me know
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Jul 20, 2014
Olean, NY
Yea no one has really ever sold anything in Olean. Best close walk in Humi is Salamanca. But if you want a better selection you would have to go to Warren PA or BUffalo area. If your ever in The EVL area let me know
I know that. Told the Nice Ash guys they should open above that coffee shop for the winter months - was worth a try lol
I'm thru E'ville all the time on the way to Buffalo, unless it's one of those weekends