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Aug 1, 2013
Long Island, NY, USA
Dude, you need to seek help:) I just yanking ya cause lookin at the size of you I better be joking;) Heck I get sick and sweaty just going up a step ladder, There isnt no way I would do that kind of work. I sure hope they are paying you big bucks, you definetly got my respect for what you do...
you da man
Fourth most dangerous job in the country... Yeah, we get paid very well...until the next layoff. LOL. We only get paid for hours worked...no yearly salary.
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
Fourth most dangerous job in the country... Yeah, we get paid very well...until the next layoff. LOL. We only get paid for hours worked...no yearly salary.
I may have you beat for dangerous jobs but both my feet were on the ground;) I worked most of my life in the woods cutting tree and dragging them out to the landing for loading. Ya never know for sure where they will fall sometimes. Been hit in the head more than I care to think about, even got some hospital time from whacks to the skull. Hmmm, that kinda explains a lot when ya think about it! Ok let the grabs begin, I opened the door:D
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Sep 12, 2014
Hermiston, OR
Ok so anyone that knows me by now I smoke and I enjoy smoking. So I just got done with some Meat Pie and thought I have seen loads of people talk about Molto Dolce, So I said What the heck. I had to open it. WOW that is some moist tobacco. Infact not sure I have ever seen any tobacco that I can remember that moist. Then I thought wait I am not going to dry I am just going to smoke it from the Tin. Cob? No I picked up the IMP Meerschaum loaded it with tobacco and set it ablaze. WOW that is some nice tobacco. I don't know why I hadn't already smoked some before. WOW...... Vanilla Heck yeah, Caramel HECK YEAH and Honey oh so sweet it is.... The Artwork on the TIN I still don't know where I have been

PS I kid you not when i say I think this is a good Color maker for Meerschaum pipes. It is almost like I can see the colors changing on my pipes as I smoke it now LOL. But joking aside it is what my Meers have been looking for. Again Thak you JJ


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