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Pipes vs cigars 1 year in

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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
I started with pipes about a year ago. Here is what I think now.

i don't want cheap cigars anymore. Most of them now taste awful to me.
I'm done with a cigar faster, rarely finishing one unless it's incredible
I've totally lost interest in buying them unless they are good smokes and on sale.
I have about 120 that will be really well aged until I get to them, lol
Smoking cigars is a lot more expensive then pipes.

It's as much about the pipe as it is the tobacco in many cases.
I get a lot more flavor out of a mild pipe tobacco than a mild cigar
I've never had a cigar I'd call heavenly, but I've head several bowls that were
I can now pack a bowl, light it maybe twice at the beginning and it lasts 45 minutes to an hour with 1 stir and relight about half way through
Collecting pipes makes more sense than HTF cigars. You can buy the pipe and enjoy it a long time and still get some of the investment back. When you smoke the HTF it's gone.
I thought I wouldn't need much Pipe tobacco. WRONG. I'm covered up with tins and baggies now lol.
My wife said she loves the smell of the pipe tobacco I have, which is a bog plus. (not smoking indoors, just my stock)
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Jan 26, 2013
Bethlehem, PA, United States
Enjoy yourself Brother.
I started with pipes about a year ago. Here is what I think now.

i don't want cheap cigars anymore. Most of them now taste awful to me.
I'm done with a cigar faster, rarely finishing one unless it's incredible
I've totally lost interest in buying them unless they are good smokes and on sale.
I have about 120 that will be really well aged until I get to them, lol
Smoking cigars is a lot more expensive then pipes.

It's as much about the pipe as it is the tobacco in many cases.
I get a lot more flavor out of a mild pipe tobacco than a mild cigar
I've never had a cigar I'd call heavenly, but I've head several bowls that were
I can now pack a bowl, light it maybe twice at the beginning and it lasts 45 minutes to an hour with 1 stir and relight about half way through
Collecting pipes makes more sense than HTF cigars. You can buy the pipe and enjoy it a long time and still get some of the investment back. When you smoke the HTF it's gone.
I thought I wouldn't need much Pipe tobacco. WRONG. I'm covered up with tins and baggies now lol.
My wife said she loves the smell of the pipe tobacco I have, which is a bog plus. (not smoking indoors, just my stock)


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I always go back and forth. I do love cigars but they definitely don't always fit my budget. My pipe is solid, I always know I can afford it and I always know I can get a good smoke. I have pretty much mastered the art of the pipe now, it really is an art. They are just so much different. I will tell you one thing though it does help me age cigars.
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Nov 13, 2014
I was really curious about pipes. And really liked it when a friend packed some for me and let me borrow one of his pipes. But it didn't take cause I didn't want to go through the process of cleaning all the time. Its a ritual, I get it, I just didn't want to do it.

Plus here, everyone is already calling me a lolo (grand dad) when I smoke my cigars, let alone pipes. Cigars and Pipes really aren't that prevalent here.
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
I'm getting back into pipes after a little time off, and thanks to this place have gotten a real education about smoking one. It is now much more enjoyable than it used to be and I find myself going to the pipe just as much as a cigar. I must say I am really enjoying the slippery slope of pipes and it is much cheaper than cigars, considering the price of a tin and how many bowls ya get out of it... and I have some really cool pipes for the Kids to toss out some day, but the cigar ash is gone forever
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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
I was really curious about pipes. And really liked it when a friend packed some for me and let me borrow one of his pipes. But it didn't take cause I didn't want to go through the process of cleaning all the time. Its a ritual, I get it, I just didn't want to do it.

Plus here, everyone is already calling me a lolo (grand dad) when I smoke my cigars, let alone pipes. Cigars and Pipes really aren't that prevalent here.
That's a good point about the cleaning but after you do it a few times it's not that big of a deal, to me anyway. And I thought it would be in the beginning.
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Sep 10, 2014
I started with cigars and went over to the pipe side. My experience is much the same as yours though I have had cigars that have impressed me as much as some of my favorite pipe tobaccos. Once I started on the pipe cigars became a once or twice a week thing while I smoke my pipes daily. It does help that I smoke my pipes in my man cave in the basement but if I'm going to have a cigar it's out to the garage. One is not a replacement for the other but both are very enjoyable.