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B&M Vent

Big Tex

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Jun 5, 2011
Texas Gulf Coast
I have been hanging out at the same B&M for over 6 years now. When I started going there on Friday evening after work it would be so full you might not find a place to sit, now there may only be a handful of people there in a Friday. The owner has run most of the customers away with his bad attitude and inattentiveness. When customers come in to make a purchase they literally have to pry him from his chair to get him to the register to pay, that even happens with regulars. He sits there and plays on his iPod all of the time.

His events cater to a crowd that he considers "fun" however he complains how they do not spend any money, yet he does nothing to change how he does things. I have heard him say many negative and derogatory things about individual customers as well as ethnic/ racial groups.

I have gone from buying every cigar that I smoke from this shop to buying only the cigars that I smoke in house from him. My wife refuses to step foot in this B&M because of his attitude and they way he has treated me in the past. On Friday I bought a couple of cigars for my self and a couple for a buddy. When I went to the register to pay I also purchased a tin of pipe tobacco with a retail price of about $20. There was no price tag on the tin and when he went to ring it up he acted as he was frantically searching for the price and tells me "you know there is 100g in here and he others are only 50g?" He rang it up for $39 and some change. I did not know the retail price at the time but looked it up as I got in my truck. To me this seems like the straw that broke the camels back. It is not about the money, it is the principal of what he did. I don't mind paying a little over retail at a B&M but double, I think not.

Ok, rant over.....
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May 20, 2014
Houston, TX
Time to come hang out with me and @reidmorebooks more. That sucks about the decline in your experience at the B&M. Good news is the greater Houston area has a large number of shops, so it sounds like it may be time to start looking around again.


The Thing
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Sep 11, 2014
Lebanon, OH
Yea, I would say goodbye, plenty of other GREAT CS companies out there willing to take your business. Seems like he will be closing shop soon anyways. Sorry you lost a good spot.
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Nov 13, 2014
Fort Wainwright, AK
If you ever find yourself in the Killeen area, THEMISCHMAN took me over to a place that I really enjoyed going to, even though it was my first time at one. Great people, and the owner was a real good guy. He took me into the walk-in and spent 10 minutes dealing with my indecisiveness and really took the time to help me out. I plan on spending at least a few nights a month over there once I get back to Texas.


Actual Size
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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
If you ever make it to the DFW area, not a single shop around here that doesn't have an asshole working. But not the, "hey, that guys an asshole, I'm never going in there again" but more like "dude, you're an asshole! Now take me to your recommended smokes!!!"

Maybe I just bring out the asshole in people.
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Nov 13, 2014
Fort Wainwright, AK
If you ever make it to the DFW area, not a single shop around here that doesn't have an asshole working. But not the, "hey, that guys an asshole, I'm never going in there again" but more like "dude, you're an asshole! Now take me to your recommended smokes!!!"

Maybe I just bring out the asshole in people.
I feel like I tend to do that too. I was blessed with this gift from my mother with an intolerance of stupidity.


Always Ashing!
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Nov 6, 2014
Westmont NJ
Unfortunately, I have run into the same issue with many B&Ms all over the country. They bitch about online stores, but they do nothing to help their own business. I have left many shops wondering how they stay in business. Many have seem to lost the passion of the leaf or maybe burned out.
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Jan 15, 2014
Staten Island, NY
Sorry he's like that.. B&M's can either be the best place on earth for us or the worse.. My guy is great.. He knows his stuff and he actually holds stuff for people if he knows your a regular.. Sorry that you had experience though.. Hey everything happens for a reason
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Aug 12, 2012
Love my local for shopping. Never stayed there and smoked but for shopping it's great. Very knowledgeable and will help you find something he thinks you will like.

Big Tex

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Jun 5, 2011
Texas Gulf Coast
The bad part is it is very close to work and pretty close to home. I have also made a lot of friends there as well. Fortunately I have a "cigar room" in my home and a large patio as well where I can smoke and have my buddies over as well. I actually went to The Briar Shoppe today for some pipe tobacco. I usually wander over to The Smoke Ring in Webster (the sister store to the one mentioned under different ownership) or up to Stogies on Westheimer and make the occasional trip to Serious Cigars as well. I have met some nice folks at Stogies and The Smoke Ring in Webster as well.