For a first gun personal I'd also have to say go for an Smith & Wesson M&P. You can check out the entire M&P line on after you find one that you like and this part goes for any gun check out shops and to find the best price. I got my M&P45c off, did a quick functions check and called it a win to pick up a $620 gun for $500. Probably could've got it for less but I got excited about getting it.
~Added after post cause my ADHD kicked in~
As for caliber you really need to find whats right for you. I started with a service Beretta 9mm and went and bought a .45 because I didn't feel like the 9mm had enough kick. Don't get me wrong 9mm is a great 'reach out and touch you round' I just prefer heavier.
~Added after post cause my ADHD kicked in~
As for caliber you really need to find whats right for you. I started with a service Beretta 9mm and went and bought a .45 because I didn't feel like the 9mm had enough kick. Don't get me wrong 9mm is a great 'reach out and touch you round' I just prefer heavier.
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