At a christmas party, wishing I'd brought a PCR because I know I can't sequester myself out here long enough to finish the Juan Lopez robbie I brought.
Ah, first-world cigar problems.
Ah, first-world cigar problems.
+1 I get that quite often and my wife explained it to me. We are assholes.I often find myself in places with people thinking that Id be much happier smoking alone.
Ive always claimed to be part of that organization+1 I get that quite often and my wife explained it to me. We are assholes.
He frollicks in the nightDoes the person who owns the balcony know you or is this just some pervy thing you do??
I hate when this happensAt a christmas party, wishing I'd brought a PCR because I know I can't sequester myself out here long enough to finish the Juan Lopez robbie I brought.
Sure is some weather were having today, huh?Not an introvert but.."Small talk" at party's or anywhere for that matter I HATE IT! (Unless your a gorgeous women, I'll talk makeup and shoes for hours.)
As soon as someone sells hello If I could only just reply with Hello I'm good, family is good, yes the foods delicious, work sucks, and I know what the weather is like @ss#ole I came in from outside...Good talk, I'll be outside smoking a "smelly" cigar in Weather, glad not to be at work thinking about my good life and my family as I digest this delicious food, so if you think of any more mundane questions, you know where I'll be, love the makeup, Nice shoes by the waySure is some weather were having today, huh?
I'm exactly the same. Hate Company functions and all holiday parties. Told the wife to leave me out of any family or neighbor parties this year.I hate Christmas parties. Or any parties with people I don't know. I've been known to disappear outside to smoke a cigar at a crowded event from time to time.
I'm a strong introvert. Which makes work parties challenging for me. Actually, it makes work challenging, since I'm in sales and service. Still wondering why I went into this line of work...