Drew Estate NotRex
@Lezanstar Looks like you can wipe some stuff off your dream list. Way to go @Smoqman
Here you go! 9405903699300313566122I'd like to participate. Trade or cash deal, whichever the sponsor prefers. Thanks!
Those are excellent smokes!Wicket's end landed today. Thanks brother! Really excited to try the Tenn. Waltz and enjoy all the others. Good stuff sir. Trade one in the books.
That's how I roll bichiz!Lol love the doesn't follow rules note!
Upload to photobucket or some other pic site and copy the IMG link then paste it here@shadowcam, many thanks. Got the package in the mail today. Can't wait to try these! I'm having trouble getting a picture uploaded (keeps saying the file is too large, 2.4MB??), but they look great.
got it, PM inbound...Hey brothers, I'm not new by any means but I have been away for a while due to school and work. I want to get back into trading and such. Anybody have any idea how I go about doing that? Thanks.
got. not going to leave our dude stranded north of the border...Newbies waiting for a sponsor:
s_bell (Canadian)