^This exactly.here's my take on the "mis-step"...
in regular speed (dont watch it in slo-mo), Suh was indeed pushed in that direction. His momentum was going backwards. fine.
That said... you know damn well that the field is flat. when something is underfoot that you know damn well shouldnt be there, you dont take the same type of steps you normally do, with the same kind of weight - which is what Suh does.
he was surrounded by toddlers, pushed backwards, and something was underfoot... dont you think he would flinch (like stepping barefoot on some legos) or at least look backwards? he didnt do either of those things.
It would be different if Suh was a player who respected the game, but with something like $300K over multiple, flagrant instances of dirty play, he has deserved the reputation and resulting criticism/fines. He should have been tossed out of the NFL years ago, but nobody in the NFL's upper offices has a spine, so...