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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
The small ones are the ones to be afraid of. I worked with a fellow who had to check his shoes every morning. Had the little bugger's climbing out of the plumbing.
This is one of the reasons I do miss living in Canada. You know what doesn't happen there? You don't go for a hike, step over a log, and accidentally step on a moose.
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Jul 20, 2013
I've moved to somewhere in Arizona
This is one of the reasons I do miss living in Canada. You know what doesn't happen there? You don't go for a hike, step over a log, and accidentally step on a moose.
No. The miserable prick sneaks up behind you and bugger's you when you least expect it. I've seen more dangerous animals living in Connecticut than I have seen living in Arizona. Although I have seen one more Black Widow spider here than back East.
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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
No. The miserable prick sneaks up behind you and bugger's you when you least expect it. I've seen more dangerous animals living in Connecticut than I have seen living in Arizona. Although I have seen one more Black Widow spider here than back East.
And there are rattlesnakes in Canada. But they're very polite and apologize profusely after biting anyone.
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Dec 23, 2014
I was born and raised in Scottsdale, I traveled around a bit to find a change of scenery, but I always end up back here.

It's a beautiful spot all year round. As for rent, Scottsdale isn't the lowest, but it can still be affordable. Certain areas of Scottsdale are more pricey than others, but there's definitely beautiful neighborhoods with reasonable prices.
The local B&M spots are plentiful, There's Fox Cigar bar in Gilbert, Baxter's cigars in Phoenix, and in Scottsdale you got 21 Degrees Cigars, Cigar King, Churchill's Cigars and Ambassador. You can't go wrong with any of these shops. There's a HUGE cigar community here, you'd dig it.
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May 4, 2013
Scottsdale, AZ
I've came from Chicago, and now I've live in Scottsdale. The trade off of coming from a city such as New York or Chicago, is you lose a good amount of the culture of which you've grown accustomed. Sure, the climate is amazing. I don't have to own a lawn mower, shovel, ice scraper, and I haven't worn a winter jacket in 3 years. But amazing food, neighborhood art/music festivals, and academic institutions are quite different and typically somewhat disappointing to a city grown newcomer.

There is a good amount of truth that everything you come across in the desert wants to sting, prick, poison, or bite; however, it is a very outdoorsy metro area so the recreation opportunities are plenty. It is funny someone mentioned firearms; Arizona prides itself on being a western culture. Yes, you will see a guy eating at McDs with a sidearm hanging off his belt. They do have lockers near the entrances of certain government building that you must check your firearms in prior to entering. It was a shock coming from handgunless Chicago, and I know folks that cited it as the dealbreaker since they didn't feel safe.

Visit a few times to get a feel for the area in the different seasons, and make sure you ask locals for recommendations on what to do and where to go. Feel free to reach out via PM. Also, I have a 5 bedroom house to rent that will come available in May. I love it here.
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Jan 15, 2014
Staten Island, NY
I've came from Chicago, and now I've live in Scottsdale. The trade off of coming from a city such as New York or Chicago, is you lose a good amount of the culture of which you've grown accustomed. Sure, the climate is amazing. I don't have to own a lawn mower, shovel, ice scraper, and I haven't worn a winter jacket in 3 years. But amazing food, neighborhood art/music festivals, and academic institutions are quite different and typically somewhat disappointing to a city grown newcomer.

There is a good amount of truth that everything you come across in the desert wants to sting, prick, poison, or bite; however, it is a very outdoorsy metro area so the recreation opportunities are plenty. It is funny someone mentioned firearms; Arizona prides itself on being a western culture. Yes, you will see a guy eating at McDs with a sidearm hanging off his belt. They do have lockers near the entrances of certain government building that you must check your firearms in prior to entering. It was a shock coming from handgunless Chicago, and I know folks that cited it as the dealbreaker since they didn't feel safe.

Visit a few times to get a feel for the area in the different seasons, and make sure you ask locals for recommendations on what to do and where to go. Feel free to reach out via PM. Also, I have a 5 bedroom house to rent that will come available in May. I love it here.
That I must say is one of our biggest fears.. Living in NYC our entire lives; we just plain flat out love the culture New York brings. As much as we piss and moan about people being pissy and moody and bitchy.. thats the city and thats what I love about it haha.. It also taught me to be street smart, and how to survive on the street when I was younger. Something I would like my children to learn, But there are other ways of teaching that. I will definitely be PM'ing you thanks for the info.

Cigarth Vader

Official Jedi of BOTL.org
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Sep 16, 2014
Southern California
I definitely enjoyed chandler, nice little burb, clean well-built houses, but couldn't get used to the heat. Hell, Southern California pisses me off with how often it's hot here.
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Aug 1, 2014
I live in glendale, not near where you're looking but work part time at churchills fine cigars. Phoenix is full of b&ms. Fox cigar bar is in Scottsdale and our main store is near paradise valley. Great guys at our place and when you're in town swing by. The address is 5041 N 44th St phoenix. If you enjoy golf and cigars and dry heat it's a wonderful place.
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Jun 7, 2014
summerside pei canada
This is one of the reasons I do miss living in Canada. You know what doesn't happen there? You don't go for a hike, step over a log, and accidentally step on a moose.
no but i once punched a bear through the wall of my tent because i thought it was one of the guys goofing around. It was not. The next day i came face to face with another bear while rounding a bush. Ahh my military days. That same exersize i got food poisoning and heat exhaustion. One night a few people went into shock when the day time temp went from 37°C down to 2°C. Fun times.
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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
no but i once punched a bear through the wall of my tent because i thought it was one of the guys goofing around. It was not. The next day i came face to face with another bear while rounding a bush. Ahh my military days. That same exersize i got food poisoning and heat exhaustion. One night a few people went into shock when the day time temp went from 37°C down to 2°C. Fun times.
Yup - Vancouver was the only place I lived where I had the furnace on in the morning and the air conditioning on in the afternoon.