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New fathers

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Aug 12, 2012
That's what I do. I have to be up for work at 0230 and usually go to be a little after the kids. I get a lot less sleep than i used to, but I'll make up for it when I die right?
I used to go to work at 4am so I had to get up about 2:30. I also went to bed basically with my kids. Best part about that schedule was when I came home at noon I was able to eat lunch and have a smoke before picking the kids up from daycare.
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Dec 13, 2013
San Diego
New dad here too. I have a 16 month old son. If anyone wants to talk about our experience with sleep training, baby helmets, or if you are like me and up at any time of night, hit me up! I will glean this thread for new father tips for sure!
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Jun 18, 2014
Love being a Dad.
My son is going through a phase where he is proud of the size of his poop. He is 8. He told me one was the size of bugs bunny's ear.

Two weeks ago on a rainy Saturday morning we watched "the good the bad and the ugly". It was his first western he was enthralled.
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Aug 20, 2013
Long Island, New York
I have 4: Three daughters (soon to be 21, 19 and 16) and a son 13.5
What's great about this thread is that everyone has different life experiences that they can share and offer different points of view to the same issue or question. Each kid grows into their own person by following different paths through their young lives. Some we gently nudge them towards, some we bring them on kicking and screaming and some paths they will choose no matter what you say or do. OK I won't ramble on any longer, I'm here to offer my advice, opinion and experience to anyone who wants it.


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
My son is going through a phase where he is proud of the size of his poop. He is 8. He told me one was the size of bugs bunny's ear.
Do we ever grow out of that stage?? lol

I have a 6 yr old daughter and almost 3 yr old boy... great kids but definitely keeps you on your toes. To Paul and the others talking about kids waking up... stop going in their room! lol I know, easier said than done, but they are learning they can call out for you and they got you wrapped around their finger. :)


Actual Size
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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
Do we ever grow out of that stage?? lol

I have a 6 yr old daughter and almost 3 yr old boy... great kids but definitely keeps you on your toes. To Paul and the others talking about kids waking up... stop going in their room! lol I know, easier said than done, but they are learning they can call out for you and they got you wrapped around their finger. :)
This... Hardest thing my wife ever did. Then, the 4 year old started coming into our room. At first, Mum would take him back, then, he learned that he could come over to Dad's side and Dad would (in my sleep mind you) pick him up and toss him in bed. Sometimes Mum would wake up and put him back, but other times, I'd wake up to find he "kicked" her out of bed. Thankfully, he grew out of that phase...


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Do we ever grow out of that stage?? lol

I have a 6 yr old daughter and almost 3 yr old boy... great kids but definitely keeps you on your toes. To Paul and the others talking about kids waking up... stop going in their room! lol I know, easier said than done, but they are learning they can call out for you and they got you wrapped around their finger. :)
Ryan, I forgot our kids were close in age... and you are right: let 'em yell a bit.

My Son is 6 (in two weeks) and my daughter is 2.5. As my boy is becoming cooler, my daughter is not (although she does a pretty good Mister T impression). I am in for questions (answering and asking, alike).


I am no rocket surgeon
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May 7, 2014
Montreal, Qc, CANADA
One tip I can give to all fathers is this:

Do what you say.

If you treaten to do something if .... and the little one does just it, don't reiterate. Just act on your threat.

Otherwise the little one will know he can get away with it.

I know its not easy. But it gets easier and jr. will learn to respect the words.

Also do what you say when you say something cool such as play after lunch.

Your word is important. Make it be of value.


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Our daughter is still a pain at night. She's 2.5

My son is a lot easier. He's almost 1. Might wake up to eat once but we learned to never allow him in our bed...hindsight...
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Sep 13, 2014
I have 4: Three daughters (soon to be 21, 19 and 16) and a son 13.5
What's great about this thread is that everyone has different life experiences that they can share and offer different points of view to the same issue or question. Each kid grows into their own person by following different paths through their young lives. Some we gently nudge them towards, some we bring them on kicking and screaming and some paths they will choose no matter what you say or do. OK I won't ramble on any longer, I'm here to offer my advice, opinion and experience to anyone who wants it.
Treasure this time ! It goes fast ! I raised two boys, after a while, alone ... - plenty of stories there ! Like unloading them at daycare and discovering they threw their shoes out the window during the ride.. anyway, later I remarried and got two stepdaughters and a stepson. At one time I had four in college at once. Now I'm over 50 the little monsters are scattered. Talk about different paths it's true. One's across town, two are just a few hours away but another in LA and one in Clovis N.M. Technology helps like Skype and FacePlace. But still nothing can take the enjoyment out of packing your bags and sleeping overnight at the airport .


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
One tip I can give to all fathers is this:

Do what you say.

If you treaten to do something if .... and the little one does just it, don't reiterate. Just act on your threat.

Otherwise the little one will know he can get away with it.
Awesome advice... I am trying to teach this to my wife every day. :( lol (she is getting better btw)