just wanted to let everyone know i made it through the move with only minor cuts and bruises. took us four days to go from CA to UT. i rented a Uhaul that was too small for all of my stuff, so my old man had to come down with his truck and a 12 foot trailer, filled both of them to the gils! made it home with with a full grown english mastiff sitting in my right seat and my poor wife had her dog and both the kids to contend with the entire ride! i think i got the easy part! Im glad to be home and glad to have internet back to see you fine gents! Also i would like to thank @FullyArmedFISD for fulfilling my wishlist! thank you for that brother it got here the same day i did! Again my brothers I'm glad to be back!!
just wanted to let everyone know i made it through the move with only minor cuts and bruises. took us four days to go from CA to UT. i rented a Uhaul that was too small for all of my stuff, so my old man had to come down with his truck and a 12 foot trailer, filled both of them to the gils! made it home with with a full grown english mastiff sitting in my right seat and my poor wife had her dog and both the kids to contend with the entire ride! i think i got the easy part! Im glad to be home and glad to have internet back to see you fine gents! Also i would like to thank @FullyArmedFISD for fulfilling my wishlist! thank you for that brother it got here the same day i did! Again my brothers I'm glad to be back!!