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made it through the move!

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Dec 22, 2014
Eagle mountain, Ut

just wanted to let everyone know i made it through the move with only minor cuts and bruises. took us four days to go from CA to UT. i rented a Uhaul that was too small for all of my stuff, so my old man had to come down with his truck and a 12 foot trailer, filled both of them to the gils! made it home with with a full grown english mastiff sitting in my right seat and my poor wife had her dog and both the kids to contend with the entire ride! i think i got the easy part! Im glad to be home and glad to have internet back to see you fine gents! Also i would like to thank @FullyArmedFISD for fulfilling my wishlist! thank you for that brother it got here the same day i did! Again my brothers I'm glad to be back!!
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Jan 2, 2015
Cibolo TX

just wanted to let everyone know i made it through the move with only minor cuts and bruises. took us four days to go from CA to UT. i rented a Uhaul that was too small for all of my stuff, so my old man had to come down with his truck and a 12 foot trailer, filled both of them to the gils! made it home with with a full grown english mastiff sitting in my right seat and my poor wife had her dog and both the kids to contend with the entire ride! i think i got the easy part! Im glad to be home and glad to have internet back to see you fine gents! Also i would like to thank @FullyArmedFISD for fulfilling my wishlist! thank you for that brother it got here the same day i did! Again my brothers I'm glad to be back!!
nice on the move glad it was a safe one.....are you SLC or further west?
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Nov 15, 2014
Happy to see you made it safely. In my experience, the long move us so much easier than the in-town move. You know you have to get it all on the first shot, and there's no looking back. Best of luck on getting everything settled.
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Dec 22, 2014
Eagle mountain, Ut
brothers, thank you for the well wishes, no I'm not an elder LOL couldn't pass the test, the mormon girls kept distracting me!!!! as far as the beers go, last time i was in this state i was 18 so ill have to start making up for lost time