I'm still waiting for LP 9's at speedwayI've seen the Acid's pop up more and more in the local convenience stores and gas stations. Heck, I've been seeing macanudo's with the humidor bags as well.
Then don't smoke them. Simple as that. There are people that enjoy them brother, and good for them. There is no reason to hate Acids just because you don't like them Smoke what you like, let others smoke what they like.Not to turn this into an "I hate Acid" thread...oh, who am I kidding?! Infused cigars are a crime against humanity.I strenuously object to their very existence!
End rant.
Hey now, I was only joking...shoulda used more emoticons, sorry. No question, to each his own brother (but don't get me wrong, I still hate 'em!Then don't smoke them. Simple as that. There are people that enjoy them brother, and good for them. There is no reason to hate Acids just because you don't like them Smoke what you like, let others smoke what they like.
I agree, can't go wrong with a slurpee!You are missing out man. The slurpeies are awesome.
I am not a fan of the Acids, but, when it comes to a fantastic glass of port, an Acid Kuba goes VERY well with it. Just my opinion...Hey now, I was only joking...shoulda used more emoticons, sorry. No question, to each his own brother (but don't get me wrong, I still hate 'em!).
at the station down the street from my house, the price is $7.99What's the $ at a gas station?
Buddy of mine got into smoking cigars via Acids. I never said a thing - it was just great having him join me.Everyone seems to say "smoke what you like" but then we suggest better cigars to newbs. Shouldn't it be one or the other?