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Flying jitters...

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Jan 15, 2014
Staten Island, NY
Does anyone hate flying?

I don't hate it but I don't love it lol.. Currently waiting for my flight for Phoenix and I'm slowly getting anxious.. Always hated getting on a plane. Don't know how people can be so calm getting on a plane?

And how it can be considered one of the safest ways to travel lol?!?!

How do you guys feel about flying?

Of course I brought some good reading material with me

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Jan 15, 2014
Staten Island, NY
what is that music player? A relic!?!

Flying is just another form of transportation. Nothing to worry about. I just hate the ill conceived boarding process and how ignorant people standing in the aisles for minutes at a time playing with their shit can be.

Hahaha yeah bro I've got a shit ton of music and they don't make iPods like they used to.. Storage wise and heck build wise! I love this thing..

And lol I'm about to go through that.. Boarding process is about to start.
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Dec 30, 2013
Atlanta, GA
It's so much safer than being in a car. Think about how many people out there are driving down the highway with you... Heard it described like this;

You're flying in formation at 75mph with a bunch of people you're not in radio contact with, you have no idea what their mental state is, they probably didn't perform a preflight check on their car, you don't know how much sleep they've had, you know nothing about them. It's so much more dangerous.

Also, group 3? You're better than that.


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Hahaha yeah bro I've got a shit ton of music and they don't make iPods like they used to.. Storage wise and heck build wise! I love this thing..

And lol I'm about to go through that.. Boarding process is about to start.
Punch someone for me. Have a safe flight
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Jan 5, 2014
Arvada, CO
I'm not a huge fan of the before and after process. The noises on take off make me think so I just crank the tunes and use my noise cancel headphones. Safe travels brother!


Actual Size
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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
I hate flying, but, then again, I work in the industry... Flying isn't that bad. As for how it can be considered the safest way to travel? Well, how many flights happen that you don't hear about? At any given time, there are well over 60.000 people in the air, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Safety is paramount in this industry, and you've chosen a great airline.
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Sep 17, 2012
Western, NY
I don't mind it and usually I am asleep before the plane takes off, just wish the would make the seats bigger. I have the same Ipod, never travel without it.


BoM October '14
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Oct 17, 2012
Lake in the Hills, IL
I used to be scared to death of flying and would have to medicate myself both with prescriptions and booze. The more I did it the more comfortable I got though. I travel enough for work now that I don't require the pills or the booze, but I do drink the booze anyways lol.

My issue with flying is the complete and utter lack of control. On the highway I can't control what others do, but I have the ability to try and react to it. In a plane I'm powerless. :(


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Jul 20, 2014
Gahanna, OH
I'm a pilot. I love to fly. I hate flying commercially because 'it just sucks'. First class is kind of cool, but coach is like being in steerage on the titanic. I can understand your anxiety, but for me, its the people and BS I'm not looking forward to deal with, not the aviation.

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Dec 14, 2013
Whittier, CA
I don't mind flying at all, the first time I was in an airplane I jumped out of it skydiving. I thought I would be nervous the first time being in a big commercial jet but it didn't bother me at all, I was more annoyed with stupid people all around the air port than anything.


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Sep 7, 2013
I love flying. I hate the people that come into a plane with viruses and bacterial infections and turn that plane into a petri dish of shit. Also hate the way airport employees attitudes are and Cant stand dumb ass people that bring their infants on a plane to cry or kick my seat the whole time (same as bringing an infant to watch The Avengers), How do you expect the baby to sleep and yourself to enjoy your movie/flight? Be considerate to other people.


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
I loathe flying.... I especially hate flying US carriers.. and have particular hatred for US carriers flying domestic routes..

not because of any fear...

but because of comfort... and customer service issues..

Ive seen the airline industry in the US fall completely on its ass over the past 20 years.. there used to be a reasonable expectation of flights actually arriving on time.. that there would be decent care and service on the aircraft while in flight etc..

These days youre packed in like sardines.. youre lucky to get a cup of water and a bag of peanuts without the flight attendant treating you like dirt or getting upset because you asked for it.. and good luck actually departing and arriving on schedule...

Ive heard a million and one excuses about how putting more seats on planes, cutting out in flight meals, etc..etc.. make air travel more affordable, allow the airlines to better compete, etc...


Its a damn sad day... when Ethiopia Airlines provides you with the lowest cost option to East Africa.. and the quality of their aircraft, service, etc.. far exceeds any US carrier...

Or when flying Emirates is a 10x better option to get into the middle east than United, Delta, etc.. (cheaper, better service, more room in the cabin, etc..)..

Pretty damn state of affairs when a major US carrier cant even make the top 40 list of "best airlines"..

I mean.. freaking Aeroflot (a horrible airline) rated higher than United last year..



And its not like the US carriers arent making money... or need to treat you like crap to be profitable... theyre making plenty..


They (IMO) simply do it.. because they can (why not? we accept it.. and they make even more $$ in the process)...

Flying domestically, I dont have much of a choice... and usually end up on United or Delta...

but flying internationally.. sadly, I almost always choose to fly with a carrier that is NOT U.S. based (I get better service, more reliable departure and arrival, and lower cost tickets.. almost every single time..)..

/rant off



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Sep 7, 2013
I loathe flying.... I especially hate flying US carriers.. and have particular hatred for US carriers flying domestic routes..

not because of any fear...

but because of comfort... and customer service issues..

Ive seen the airline industry in the US fall completely on its ass over the past 20 years.. there used to be a reasonable expectation of flights actually arriving on time.. that there would be decent care and service on the aircraft while in flight etc..

These days youre packed in like sardines.. youre lucky to get a cup of water and a bag of peanuts without the flight attendant treating you like dirt or getting upset because you asked for it.. and good luck actually departing and arriving on schedule...

Ive heard a million and one excuses about how putting more seats on planes, cutting out in flight meals, etc..etc.. make air travel more affordable, allow the airlines to better compete, etc...


Its a damn sad day... when Ethiopia Airlines provides you with the lowest cost option to East Africa.. and the quality of their aircraft, service, etc.. far exceeds any US carrier...

Or when flying Emirates is a 10x better option to get into the middle east than United, Delta, etc.. (cheaper, better service, more room in the cabin, etc..)..

Pretty damn state of affairs when a major US carrier cant even make the top 40 list of "best airlines"..

I mean.. freaking Aeroflot (a horrible airline) rated higher than United last year..



And its not like the US carriers arent making money... or need to treat you like crap to be profitable... theyre making plenty..


They (IMO) simply do it.. because they can (why not? we accept it.. and they make even more $$ in the process)...

Flying domestically, I dont have much of a choice... and usually end up on United or Delta...

but flying internationally.. sadly, I almost always choose to fly with a carrier that is NOT U.S. based (I get better service, more reliable departure and arrival, and lower cost tickets.. almost every single time..)..

/rant off

This x a trillion.

You put it very well. This is so damn true. The only international airline i have flown that was just as bad with on flight service and attitude in customer service was Al Italia.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
I used to be scared to death of flying and would have to medicate myself both with prescriptions and booze. The more I did it the more comfortable I got though. I travel enough for work now that I don't require the pills or the booze, but I do drink the booze anyways lol.

My issue with flying is the complete and utter lack of control. On the highway I can't control what others do, but I have the ability to try and react to it. In a plane I'm powerless. :(
This is exactly it - no control. I also don't let my wife drive... but that's also because she's part asian. (Jk).
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Dec 13, 2013
San Diego
For me, getting through security and traveling with all the stuff that the baby and our dog needs is a nightmare sometimes. Yup, we're that couple, haha.

Oh, and is that a click-wheel? Have a safe flight, brother!